GoDigram for .NET Framework and .NET Core
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    Northwoods.Go Namespace
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    Class An object in the shape of an elliptical curve.
    ClassA GoBalloon is a kind of GoComment that is associated with another object.
    ClassA simple node with a Shape, a single Port and an optional text Label.
    ClassA GoBoxNode has a single rectangular port that surrounds another object, named the Body. This is most useful when that body object is basically rectangular, and when links can connect at any side, determined dynamically.
    Class A rectangular port that is smart about where each of its links is connected, centered or distributed on each side, meeting the edge of the port orthogonally.
    ClassInformation used when sorting the links connected at a GoBoxPort.
    Class A GoButton looks like a regular button, with a text label and/or an icon, but is composed of GoObjects so that it is very light weight and flexible.
    ClassHolds information both for GoDocument.Changed events and for undo and redo handling in the undo manager.
    ClassThis small rectangle is drawn with different shapes so that users can click on this to expand or collapse the IGoCollapsible parent object.
    ClassThis default implementation of IGoCollection just uses a List{GoObject}.
    Class A simple group displaying text with a shadowed background.
    ClassGoContextMenu is just a ContextMenu that provides an easy way to get the GoView in which a context menu MenuItem.Click event handler was invoked.
    ClassThis graphical object provides a way to get the appearance and behavior from an existing Windows Forms Control.
    ClassThis class is used as part of a GoCopyDictionary to remember objects that were not completely copied during the first pass of the copying process in GoDocument.CopyFromCollection.
    ClassThis class is used to remember the mapping of original objects to copied objects in GoDocument.CopyFromCollection.
    Class A 2-D representation of a Rectangular Prism, with the "depth" dimension controlled by an additional GoHandle.
    Class A 2-D representation of a cylinder, with the radius or perspective "pitch" controlled by an additional GoHandle.
    Class An object in the shape of a diamond or rhombus whose corners are at the midpoints of the bounding rectangle's edges.
    ClassThis class represents a model for a GoView, holding GoObjects to be displayed, organized into GoLayers.
    Class This shape holds both closed and open figures consisting of segments that are either straight lines or Bezier curves.
    ClassA simple class that holds both the array of bytes of GoDrawingActions and the array of PointFs describing the figures of a GoDrawing.
    Class An object in the shape of an ellipse or circle.
    Class A more complicated node that has an icon, optional labels at the top and bottom, and variable numbers of labeled ports on either side.
    ClassA GoPort that is part of a GoGeneralNode.
    ClassThe label for a GoGeneralNodePort.
    Class An object that draws a set of dots, crosses, or lines in a rectangular pattern, and that can affect how objects are moved, copied, and resized.
    ClassGroups are a way of treating a collection of GoObject instances as a single object.
    Class This class is used to show that a document object is selected by decorating the object with handles that are added to a view layer.
    Class An object with six sides which has one pair of parallel sides.
    Class A node with an image for an icon, a label, and a single port centered on the image.
    Class An object that displays a image such as a bitmap or JPEG file.
    ClassHolds information for unified input events for views, for both keyboard input and mouse input, including mouse button and mouse wheel and drag-and-drop mouse actions, where no GoObject is involved.
    ClassThis class provides a standard implementation of IGoLink as a GoObject with several other decoration objects.
    Class This represents a collection of objects that are to be drawn behind or in front of objects in other layers.
    Class An ordered collection of layers.
    ClassThis class provides a standard implementation of IGoLink as a GoObject.
    Class This group arranges its children vertically or horizontally, aligned within the rectangular bounds, optionally spaced with lines drawn between the objects, bordered, and with a background.
    Class This exists for compatibility with GoDiagram Web.
    ClassThe GoMultiTextNode class displays a number of text objects vertically using a GoListGroup, and associates ports on each side of each text object, plus a port at the top and one at the bottom of the node.
    ClassThis class provides the standard implementation of IGoNode as a GoObject.
    ClassA GoImage whose GoObject.Bounds and resizing are constrained by its parent's implementation of IGoNodeIconConstraint.
    ClassThe GoObject abstract class represents graphical objects that can be added to GoDocuments to be displayed by GoViews.
    ClassHolds information for the GoView event GoView.ObjectEnterLeave that occurs when a mouse moves onto or out of a GoObject.
    ClassHolds information for the GoView events involving both a GoObject and some input event.
    Class An object with eight sides which is kept convex and symmetrical in relation to its X and Y axis
    Class Provide a reduced-scale view of a document, showing the size and position of another view's viewport onto that same document, and support panning and zooming of that observed view.
    Class This class implements the rectangle shown and dragged around in the overview window. It is also responsible for keeping track of changes to the view, so that it can resize itself.
    Class A palette is a view holding a number of objects in a grid that the user can drag into another document.
    Class An object in the shape of a parallelogram.
    ClassThis class holds information to be transmitted to the client as a JavaScript object with property values, describing some GoObject.
    Class An object in the shape of a section or "slice" of an ellipse.
    Class A shape whose number, style, and location of sides can be specified.
    ClassThis class provides the standard implementation of IGoPort as a GoObject.
    Class An object in the shape of a rectangle or square, whose corners are at the corners of the bounding rectangle.
    Class An object in the shape of a rectangle or square, whose corners are quarter ellipses at the corners of the bounding rectangle.
    ClassThe selection is a collection of GoObjects that the user can manipulate in a GoView.
    ClassHolds information for the GoView events that involve a GoObject but are not associated with any input event.
    ClassAn abstract geometrical shape that uses an optional Pen to draw an outline and an optional Brush to fill the outline.
    ClassThis class is an object that represents a sheet of paper, normally only used as a background GoView.Sheet in a GoView.
    Class A node with a resizable icon, a label, and a port on each side.
    Class An unfilled shape composed of lines or curves whose number and location can be specified.
    ClassA GoSubGraph is a GoNode that supports having a graph inside of it that the user can edit, and that the user can collapse and expand.
    Class Node classes that expect to hold nodes and links should inherit from this class.
    ClassThis small rectangle is normally the GoSubGraph's GoSubGraph.Handle and handles single clicks to collapse and expand the subgraph.
    Class An object that displays a text string.
    Class A node displaying a string with a background and four ports, one at the middle of each side.
    Class This abstract class provides the base for all of the predefined tools.
    ClassThis modeless tool is used to handle objects like buttons or knobs that implement the IGoActionObject interface.
    Class The "mode-less" tool used to handle the user's mouse click to invoke a context menu.
    Class This tool allows the user to add a copy of an object to the document by dragging in the background where and how large it should be.
    Class The tool used to implement dragging behavior, for moving and copying objects.
    Class The tool used to implement the user's drawing a new link or reconnecting an existing link.
    Class The tool used to handle a user's drawing a new link between two ports.
    Class The tool, normally the default tool for a view, used to handle input and decide if any other tools would be appropriate as the view's current tool.
    Class This tool supports both automatic and manual panning in a view.
    Class The tool used to handle the user's dragging one end of a link in order to connect it up to another port.
    Class The tool used to handle the user's resize operation.
    Class The tool used to handle a user's background drag to do a multiple selection.
    Class This tool, normally the last tool considered by the tool manager, handles a possible change of selection by the user.
    Class This tool handles a user's drag in the background to draw a rubber-band box to specify a new document position and scale for a view.
    Class A four-sided figure in which two of the sides run parrallel and the others do not.
    Class A shape with three straight sides.
    Class The GoUndoManager class observes and records document changes and supports undo and redo operations.
    ClassThis class is used to hold a list of GoChangedEventArgs that should be undone or redone altogether.
    Class GoView is a Control that provides display and editing of abstract graphs or networks of 2D graphical objects.
    InterfaceThis interface specifies ways for the GoToolAction tool to invoke actions on objects.
    InterfaceThis interface should be implemented by all groups that want to use a GoCollapsibleHandle as the object that users click on to call Collapse or Expand.
    InterfaceThis interface specifies a collection of GoObject.
    InterfaceThis interface specifies the properties that a Control may have to be best used by a GoControl as a graphical object.
    InterfaceThis interface should be implemented by those GoObjects that want to act like grids for affecting how objects are dragged or resized in a GoView.
    InterfaceThis interface represents an abstract part of a graph, and is the supertype for IGoNode, IGoPort, and IGoLink.
    InterfaceThis interface specifies the properties used by GoSelection for displaying selection handles, normally implemented by GoHandle.
    Interface This interface provides a unique identifier for a part of a document.
    InterfaceThis interface inherits from IGoLabeledPart to add access to a GoText label.
    InterfaceProvide access to a text string for a GoObject.
    InterfaceThis interface specifies the properties used by GoLayer, GoDocument, and GoView for describing what kinds of actions the user is allowed to do.
    Interface GoDocument and GoView implement this interface for holding a GoLayerCollection collection.
    Interface This interface represents an abstract connection between nodes, using ports to specify more specific connection points on the nodes.
    Interface This interface represents an abstract object that is connected to other nodes using links.
    InterfaceThis interface is used by GoNodeIcon to constrain the resizing of the image.
    InterfaceThis interface should be implemented by classes that generate JavaScript along with the rendering of a view and that want to generate property/value collections as JavaScript objects to be associated with particular GoObjects in that rendering.
    Interface This interface represents an abstract connection point for a link to be attached to a node.
    InterfaceThis interface is implemented by those GoObjects that have a shape determined by the positions of more than one object.
    Interface This interface specifies the methods the view uses to control this tool and the methods used to handle the canonicalized input events processed through the view.
    Interface This interface specifies how a document change (an edit) can be managed by the UndoManager.
    Structure Iterate over all of the GoObjects in this collection, either forwards or backwards.
    Structure Iterate over the immediate child objects of this group, either forwards or backwards.
    Structure Iterate over the layers in this collection, either forwards or backwards.
    Structure Iterate over all of the GoObjects in all of the layers, either forwards or backwards.
    Structure Iterate over the GoObjects that are in this layer.
    Structure Iterate over the links (or a subset of the links) connected to this node.
    Structure Iterate over the nodes (or a subset of the nodes) connected to this node.
    Structure Iterate over the ports (or a subset of the ports) that are a part of this node.
    Structure Iterate over a subset of the links connected to this port, those either coming into this port or those leaving this port.
    Structure Iterate over all the links connected to this port.
    DelegateRepresents methods that handle GoChangedEventArgs.
    DelegateRepresents methods that handle GoInputEventArgs.
    DelegateRepresents methods that handle GoObjectEnterLeaveEventArgs.
    DelegateRepresents methods that handle GoObjectEventArgs.
    DelegateRepresents methods that handle GoSelectionEventArgs.
    EnumerationAn enumeration of all of the kinds of simple brushes that GoShape supports.
    EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of a GoCollapsibleHandle, both when it is expanded and when it is collapsed.
    Enumeration Specifies what kinds of cycles may be made by a valid link from a port.
    EnumerationThese values describe the kind of action used to start or extend figures in a GoDrawing.
    EnumerationPredefined GoDrawing shapes.
    Enumeration Specifies the shape of the handle.
    Enumeration Specifies the resize behavior of a GoHexagon.
    Enumeration Specifies a kind of abstract input event state.
    EnumerationSpecifies how GoLink.GoLink.CalculateStroke should determine the points of the link's stroke.
    Enumeration Specifies the 3D perspective to simulate for any "3D" GoObject.
    EnumerationSpecifies how GoDocument.PickObjectsInRectangle, GoLayer.PickObjectsInRectangle, and GoView.PickObjectsInRectangle decide which objects are considered "in" a given rectangle.
    Enumeration Specifies the kind of curve drawn between the points of the polygon.
    Enumeration Specifies the appearance of the port.
    EnumerationSpecify when to calculate the routing of IGoRoutable objects.
    Enumeration Specifies the general shape of an arrowhead.
    Enumeration Specifies the kind of curve drawn between the points of the stroke.
    EnumerationThis enumeration represents the different states of a GoSubGraph.
    Enumeration Supported ways of editing text.
    EnumerationControls the behavior of GoToolManager.GoToolManager.DoKeyDown via the GoView.GoView.DisableKeys property.
    Enumeration Specifies the appearance of the grid.
    Enumeration Specifies when a scroll bar should be visible.
    EnumerationSpecifies values for GoView.GoView.SheetStyle, which affects the behavior of GoView.UpdateExtent to automatically scroll and scale the view as the view's size is changed, or (in WinForms) when the PrintScale is changed.
    Enumeration Specifies the move or resize behavior based on the grid.
    See Also