Delete: the Delete key deletes the current selection
Select All: Ctrl-A selects all selectable document objects
Copy, Cut, Paste: The Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Insert, Ctrl-X, Shift-Delete, Ctrl-V, and Shift-Insert keys do the standard clipboard operations
Edit: the F2 key starts in-place editing of the current node's text label
PageDown, PageUp: The PageDown and PageUp keys scroll vertically; Shift-PageDown and Shift-PageUp scroll horizontally
Home, End: the Home and End keys scroll to the left side and right sides of the document; Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End scroll to the top-left and bottom-right corners of the document, respectively
Undo, Redo: Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y (or Ctrl-Shift-Z) perform undo and redo
Arrow keys: moves the selection in the given direction, or else scrolls the view that way; the Ctrl modifier causes the movement or scrolling to just be one pixel at a time. This uses the GoView.ArrowMoveLarge and GoView.ArrowMoveSmall properties to control how far the selection is moved.
Escape: the Escape key may clear the selection and then cancels the current input operation
letters and digits: selects the next node whose text starts with that character