Member | Description |
Actor |
ACvoltageSource |
Represents an AC voltage source.
Alternative |
Flowchart 'alternative' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
AndGate |
Represents an and gate logic circuit.
Arrow |
Represents a basic arrow shape with a square end.
AsteriskLine |
Represents the "*" symbol using unfilled lines.
BpmnActivityAdHoc |
BPMN Symbol for Activity Ad Hoc marker
BpmnActivityCompensation |
BPMN Symbol for Activity Compensation marker (also use for Compensation Event)
BpmnActivityLoop |
BPMN Symbol for Activity loop marker
BpmnActivityParallel |
BPMN Symbol for Activity Parallel Multi-Instance marker
BpmnActivitySequential |
BPMN Symbol for Activity Sequential Multi-Instance marker
BpmnEventConditional |
BPMN Symbol for Event Type Condition
BpmnEventError |
BPMN Symbol for Event Type Error
BpmnEventEscalation |
BPMN Symbol for Event Type Escalation
BpmnEventTimer |
BPMN Symbol for Event Type Timer
BpmnTaskMessage |
BPMN Symbol for Task Type Send/Receive
BpmnTaskPersonHead |
BPMN Symbol for Task Type User, to be used in a GoGroup with PersonShirt Figure.
BpmnTaskPersonShirt |
BPMN Symbol for Task Type User, to be used in a GoGroup with PersonHead Figure.
BpmnTaskScript |
BPMN Symbol for Task Type Script
BpmnTaskUser |
BPMN Symbol for Task Type User
Buffer |
Represents a buffer logic circuit.
Capacitor |
Represents a capacitor.
Card |
Flowchart 'card' symbol.
Chevron |
A chevron type arrow. This is the same shape represented by
Circle |
CircleLine |
Represents an unfilled circle.
Clock |
Represents a system clock.
Cloud |
Club |
Represents a shape resembling a club.
Collate |
Flowchart 'collate' symbol.
Cone1 |
Cone2 |
Connector |
Flowchart 'connector' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
CreateRequest |
Flowchart 'create request' symbol.
Crescent |
Cube1 |
A two dimensional representation of a cube.
Cube2 |
A two dimensional representation of a cube.
Curve1 |
Represents a curve.
Curve2 |
Represents a curve.
Curve3 |
Represents a curve.
Curve4 |
Represents a curve.
Cylinder1 |
Cylinder2 |
Cylinder3 |
Cylinder4 |
Database |
Flowchart 'database' symbol.
DataStorage |
Flowchart 'data storage' symbol.
DataTransmission |
Flowchart 'data transmission' symbol. This is the same shape
represented by GoFigure.Hexagon.
DCvoltageSource |
Represents a DC voltage source.
Decagon |
Represents a ten-sided figure (a decagon).
Decision |
Flowchart 'decision' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
Delay |
Flowchart 'delay' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
Diamond |
Represents a four-sided figure (a diamond). This is the same shape
represented by GoFigure.Decision.
Diode |
Represents a diode.
DirectData |
Flowchart 'direct data' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
DiskStorage |
Flowchart 'disk storage' symbol.
Display |
Flowchart 'display' symbol.
DividedEvent |
Flowchart 'divided event' symbol.
DividedProcess |
Flowchart 'divided process' symbol.
Document |
Flowchart 'document' symbol.
Dodecagon |
Represents a twelve-sided figure (a dodecagon).
DoubleArrow |
Represents a shape consisting of two arrows.
DoubleEndArrow |
Represents an arrow with directional points on each end.
EightPointedBurst |
Represents an eight-pointed burst.
EightPointedStar |
Represents an eight-pointed star.
ElectricalHazard |
Represents an Electrical Hazard symbol, in the shape of a lightning bolt.
Ellipse |
Email |
Represents an email symbol.
Ethernet |
Represents an ethernet jack symbol.
ExternalOrganization |
Flowchart 'external organization' symbol.
ExternalProcess |
Flowchart 'external process' symbol.
Fallout |
Represents the Fallout Shelter symbol.
File |
Flowchart 'file' symbol.
FireHazard |
Represents a Fire Hazard symbol, in the shape of a fire.
FivePointedBurst |
Represents a five-pointed burst.
FivePointedStar |
Represents a five-pointed star.
Fragile |
Represents a figure used to mean "Fragile." In the shape of a broken glass.
FramedRectangle |
Represents a shape containing a rectangle within another regtangle.
Gate |
Flowchart 'gate' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
GenderFemale |
Represents the female gender in biology. In the shape of the astronomical Venus symbol.
GenderMale |
Represents the male gender in biology. In the shape of the astronomical Mars symbol.
Ground |
Represents ground.
HalfEllipse |
Heart |
Represents a shape resembling a heart.
Heptagon |
Represents a seven-sided figure (a heptagon).
Hexagon |
Represents a six-sided figure (a hexagon). This is the same shape
represented by GoFigure.DataTransmission.
HourGlass |
Represents an hour glass shape.
IBeamArrow |
Represents an arrow with an I-Beam end.
Inductor |
Represents an inductor.
Input |
Flowchart 'input' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
InternalStorage |
Flowchart 'internal storage' symbol.
Interupt |
Flowchart 'interupt' symbol.
Inverter |
Represents an inverter logic circuit.
IrritationHazard |
Represents the Irritation Hazard symbol, in the shape of an 'X'.
ISOProcess |
Flowchart 'ISO Process' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
Junction |
Flowchart 'junction' symbol.
Lightning |
Represents a shape resembling a bolt of lightning.
Line1 |
Represents a line.
Line2 |
Represents a line.
LinedDocument |
LogicAnd |
Logical symbol for And, represented by a vertically flipped "V".
LogicFalsity |
Logical symbol for an unconditional Falsity, represented by a vertically flipped "T".
LogicForAll |
Logical symbol for universal quantification, represented by a vertically flipped "A".
LogicIff |
Logical symbol for If and Only If, represented by a double-headed arrow.
LogicImplies |
Logical symbol, represented by an arrow.
LogicIntersect |
Logical symbol for Intersection, represented by a vertically flipped "U".
LogicIsDefinedAs |
Logical symbol for Definition, represented by three horizontal bars.
LogicNot |
Logical symbol for Not or Negation, represented by a horizontal line with a small vertical bar at the end.
LogicOr |
Logical symbol for Or, represented by a "V".
LogicThereExists |
Logical symbol for existential quantification, represented by a horizontally flipped "E".
LogicTruth |
Logical symbol for an unconditional Truth, represented by a "T".
LogicUnion |
Logical symbol for Union, represented by a "U".
LogicXor |
Logical symbol for Exclusive Or, represented by a circle with a "+" inscribed inside.
LoopLimit |
Flowchart 'loop limit' symbol.
MagneticData |
Flowchart 'magnetic data' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
MagneticTape |
Flowchart 'magetic tape' symbol.
ManualInput |
Flowchart 'manual input' symbol.
ManualLoop |
Flowchart 'manual loop' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
ManualOperation |
Flowchart 'manual operation' symbol. This is the same shape represented
by GoFigure.Trapezoid and GoFigure.ManualInput.
Merge |
Flowchart 'merge' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
MessageFromUser |
Flowchart 'message from user' symbol.
MessageToUser |
Flowchart 'message to user' symbol.
MicroformProcessing |
MicroformRecording |
MultiDocument |
Flowchart 'multiple document' symbol.
MultiProcess |
Flowchart 'multiple process' symbol.
NandGate |
Represents a nand gate logic circuit.
NinePointedBurst |
Represents a nine-pointed burst.
NinePointedStar |
Represents a nine-pointed star.
Nonagon |
Represents a nine-sided figure (a nonagon).
None | Used when there is no particular figure for a GoDrawing. |
NorGate |
Represents a nor gate logic circuit.
NotAllowed |
Represents a figure used to mean "Not Allowed." In the shape of a circle with a line through.
Octagon |
Represents an eight-sided figure (an octagon).
OfflineStorage |
OffPageConnector |
Flowchart 'off page connector' symbol.
Or |
Flowchart 'or' symbol
OrGate |
Represents an or gate logic circuit.
Output |
Flowchart 'output' symbol. This is the same shape represented by
PaperTape |
Parallelogram1 |
Represents a four-sided figure containing two acute opposite angles,
and two obtuse opposite angles.
Parallelogram2 |
Represents a four-sided figure containing two acute opposite angles,
and two obtuse opposite angles.
Peace |
Represents the universal peace symbol.
Pentagon |
Represents a five-sided figure (a pentagon).
Pie |
Represents a Pie with a piece taken out.
PiePiece |
Represents a piece of a pie.
PlusLine |
Represents the "+" symbol using unfilled lines.
Pointer |
Power |
Represents the power symbol.
PrimitiveFromCall |
PrimitiveToCall |
Prism1 |
Prism2 |
Procedure |
Flowchart 'procedure' symbol.
Process |
Flowchart 'process' symbol.
Pyramid1 |
Pyramid2 |
Rectangle |
Represents a four-sided figure containing four ninety degree angles.
Resistor |
Represents a resistor.
RightTriangle |
Represents a three-sided figure containing one ninety degree angle.
RoundedIBeam |
RoundedPointer |
RoundedRectangle |
SequentialData |
Flowchart 'sequential data' symbol.
SevenPointedBurst |
Represents a seven-pointed burst.
SevenPointedStar |
Represents a seven-pointed star.
SixPointedBurst |
Represents a six-pointed burst.
SixPointedStar |
Represents a six-pointed star.
Sort |
Flowchart 'sort' symbol.
Spade |
Represents a shape resembling a spade.
SplitEndArrow |
Represents an arrow with a triangle shaped split at the end.
Square |
SquareArrow |
SquareIBeam |
Represents a figure in the shape of an 'I'.
Start |
Flowchart 'start' symbol.
StopSign |
Represents an octagonal Stop Sign.
StoredData |
Flowchart 'stored data' symbol.
Subroutine |
Flowchart 'subroutine' symbol.
TenPointedBurst |
Represents a ten-pointed burst.
TenPointedStar |
Represents a ten-pointed star.
Terminator |
Flowchart 'terminator' symbol.
ThickCross |
Represents a figure in the shape of a '+'.
ThickX |
Represents a figure in the shape of a 'X'.
ThinCross |
Represents a figure in the shape of a '+'.
ThinX |
Represents a figure in the shape of a 'X'.
TransmittalTape |
Flowchart 'transmittal tape' symbol.
Trapezoid |
Represents a four-sided figure containing two acute adjacent angles,
and two obtuse adjacent angles. This is the same shape represented by
GoFigure.ManualLoop and GoFigure.ManualOperation
Triangle |
Represents a three-sided figure (a triangle). This is the same shape
represented by GoFigure.Alternative and GoFigure.Merge.
Wifi |
Represents a wifi symbol.
XLine |
Represents an "X" symbol using unfilled lines.
XnorGate |
Represents an xnor gate logic circuit.
XorGate |
Represents an xor gate logic circuit.
YinYang |
Represents the Yin-Yang symbol.