In This Topic
Specifies the appearance of the port.
Member | Description |
Diamond | The GoPort appears as a diamond or rhombus. |
Ellipse | The GoPort appears as an ellipse or circle. |
None | The GoPort does not appear, although it may have visible links connected and may participate in linking operations. |
Object | The GoPort appears as any GoObject, as provided by the GoPort.PortObject property. |
Plus | The GoPort appears as a plus sign or "+". |
PlusTimes | The GoPort appears as a combination of a plus sign and a times sign, like an asterisk or star. |
Rectangle | The GoPort appears as a rectangle or square. |
Times | The GoPort appears as a times sign or "x". |
Triangle | The GoPort appears as a triangle, forming an arrow in the direction of a link coming in at this port's GoPort.ToSpot. |
TriangleBottomLeft | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the BottomLeft. |
TriangleBottomRight | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the BottomRight. |
TriangleMiddleBottom | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the MiddleBottom. |
TriangleMiddleLeft | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the MiddleLeft. |
TriangleMiddleRight | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the MiddleRight. |
TriangleMiddleTop | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the MiddleTop. |
TriangleTopLeft | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the TopLeft. |
TriangleTopRight | The GoPort appears as a triangle with a point at the TopRight. |
See Also