GoDiagram Web Reference
GoLayer Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoLayer.

Public Fields
Public FieldChangedAllowCopyThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowCopy property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowDeleteThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowDelete property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowEditThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowEdit property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowInsertThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowInsert property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowLinkThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowLink property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowMoveThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowMove property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowPrintThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowPrint property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowReshapeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowReshape property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowResizeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowResize property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowSelectThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowSelect property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowViewThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowView property.  
Public FieldChangedIdentifierThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the Identifier property.  
Public FieldChangedObjectThis is a RaiseChanged hint used for all property changes to GoObjects.  
Public FieldChangedObjectLayerThis is a RaiseChanged hint.  
Public FieldChangedObjectZOrderThis is a RaiseChanged hint.  
Public FieldInsertedObjectThis is a RaiseChanged hint.  
Public FieldRemovedObjectThis is a RaiseChanged hint.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowCopyGets or sets whether the user can copy selected objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowDeleteGets or sets whether the user can delete selected objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowEditGets or sets whether the user can edit objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowInsertGets or sets whether the user can insert objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowLinkGets or sets whether the user can link objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowMoveGets or sets whether the user can move selected objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowPrintGets or sets whether the objects in this layer will be printed.  
Public PropertyAllowReshapeGets or sets whether the user can reshape resizable objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowResizeGets or sets whether the user can resize selected objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowSelectGets or sets whether the user can select objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyAllowViewGets or sets whether the user can see objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyCountGets the number of objects in this layer.  
Public PropertyDocumentGets the document that this layer belongs to, or null if this is a view layer.  
Public PropertyIdentifierGets or sets an identifier for this layer.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyThis collection is never read-only programmatically, but might not be modifiable by the user: SetModifiable.  
Public PropertyViewGets the view that this layer belongs to, or null if this is a document layer.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdd an object to this layer.  
Public MethodAddCollectionRe-parent some objects to be top-level objects, even if they are part of groups in this same layer.  
Public MethodCanCopyObjectsCalled to see if the user can copy selected objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanDeleteObjectsCalled to see if the user can delete selected objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanEditObjectsCalled to see if the user can edit objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanInsertObjectsCalled to see if the user can insert objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanLinkObjectsCalled to see if the user can link objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanMoveObjectsCalled to see if the user can move selected objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanPrintObjectsCalled to see if the view should print objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanReshapeObjectsCalled to see if the user can reshape resizable objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanResizeObjectsCalled to see if the user can resize selected objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanSelectObjectsCalled to see if the user can select objects in this layer.  
Public MethodCanViewObjectsCalled to see if the user can see objects in this layer.  
Public MethodClearRemove all objects from this layer.  
Public MethodContainsDetermine if an object belongs to this layer.  
Public MethodCopyArrayReturns a newly allocated array of all of the GoObjects in this collection.  
Public MethodCopyToCopy references to all of the objects in this collection into an array.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGet an GoLayerEnumerator that iterates over all objects in this layer.  
Public MethodMoveAfterChange the Z-order of an object in this layer by moving it to be after (i.e. in front of) another object.  
Public MethodMoveBeforeChange the Z-order of an object in this layer by moving it to be before (i.e. behind) another object.  
Public MethodNextObjectReturn the next object in the Z-order, given an object in this layer.  
Public MethodPaintRender all of the visible objects in this layer within a rectangle to a Graphics.  
Public MethodPickObjectFind a visible object in this layer at a given point.  
Public MethodPickObjectsReturn a collection of objects that can be picked at a particular point.  
Public MethodPickObjectsInRectangleReturn a collection of objects that are surrounded by a given rectangle.  
Public MethodRemoveMake sure this layer no longer holds an object.  
Public MethodSetModifiableThis method sets some properties that determine whether the user can modify any objects in this layer.  
See Also


GoLayer Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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