GoDiagram Web Reference
Northwoods.GoWeb Assembly

The Go libraries are sets of controls and classes built on the .NET platform.  Go makes it easy to deliver user interfaces that allow users to see and manipulate diagrams of two-dimensional graphical objects arranged in a scrollable window.

Go provides a variety of basic graphical objects such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons, text, images, and lines.  You can group objects together to form more complex objects.  You can customize their appearances and behaviors by setting properties and overriding methods.

A Go view is a control that displays a Go document.  It supports mouse-based object manipulation, including selecting, resizing, moving and copying using drag-and-drop.  Go organizes input behaviors into tools that you can modify, override, or add or remove from a view.  The view also supports in-place editing, printing, and grids.

A Go document implements a model that supports manipulation of objects.  Adding an object to the document makes it visible in the document’s views.  You can organize objects in layers.  Go provides support for composing and manipulating graphs (node & arc diagrams), where nodes have ports that are connected by links.

The Go library is flexible and extensible. Many predefined node classes make it easy to build many kinds of diagrams.  You can easily customize most objects for application-specific purposes by setting properties or by subclassing.  You can add completely new graphical objects to the existing framework.

Other libraries, named Northwoods.GoWeb.*, extend Go by providing automatic layout algorithms, meters/dials/gauges, and support for reading/writing XML. 




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