GoDiagram Web Reference
GoText Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoText.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoText ConstructorThe constructor produces an object that is not resizable by the user and does not automatically rescale the font size when the size is changed. However, it does automatically change the size to fit the text when the text is changed.  
Public Fields
Public FieldChangedAlignmentThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Alignment property.  
Public FieldChangedAutoResizesThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the AutoResizes property.  
Public FieldChangedBackgroundColorThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the BackgroundColor property.  
Public FieldChangedBackgroundOpaqueWhenSelectedThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the BackgroundOpaqueWhenSelected property.  
Public FieldChangedBoldThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Bold property.  
Public FieldChangedBorderedThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Bordered property.  
Public FieldChangedChoicesThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Choices property.  
Public FieldChangedClippingThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Clipping property.  
Public FieldChangedDropDownListThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the DropDownList property.  
Public FieldChangedEditableWhenSelectedThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the EditableWhenSelected property.  
Public FieldChangedEditorStyleThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the EditorStyle property.  
Public FieldChangedFamilyNameThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the FamilyName property.  
Public FieldChangedFontSizeThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the FontSize property.  
Public FieldChangedGdiCharSetThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the GdiCharSet property.  
Public FieldChangedItalicThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Italic property.  
Public FieldChangedMaximumThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Maximum property.  
Public FieldChangedMinimumThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Minimum property.  
Public FieldChangedMultilineThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Multiline property.  
Public FieldChangedRightToLeftThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the RightToLeft property.  
Public FieldChangedRightToLeftFromViewThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the RightToLeftFromView property.  
Public FieldChangedStrikeThroughThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the StrikeThrough property.  
Public FieldChangedStringTrimmingThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the StringTrimming property.  
Public FieldChangedTextThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Text property.  
Public FieldChangedTextColorThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the TextColor property.  
Public FieldChangedTransparentBackgroundThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the TransparentBackground property.  
Public FieldChangedUnderlineThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Underline property.  
Public FieldChangedWrappingThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Wrapping property.  
Public FieldChangedWrappingWidthThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the WrappingWidth property.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets how the text is aligned.  
Public PropertyAutoRescalesGets or sets whether this object automatically rescales its appearance when its size changes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyAutoResizesGets or sets whether the bounds are recalculated when the text changes.  
Public PropertyBackgroundColorGets or sets the background color for this text object, shown when TransparentBackground is false.  
Public PropertyBackgroundOpaqueWhenSelectedGets or sets whether the text background is displayed when selected.  
Public PropertyBoldGets or sets whether the font style is bold.  
Public PropertyBorderedGets or sets whether a simple border is drawn around the text.  
Public PropertyBottomGets or sets this object's bottom coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyChoicesWhen the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.ComboBox, this holds the list of choices that are presented in the drop down list.  
Public PropertyClippingGets or sets whether the text drawing is clipped by this object's bounds.  
Public PropertyCopyableGets or sets whether the user can copy this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultFontFamilyNameGets or sets the font family face name used when constructing a GoText object.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DefaultFontSizeGets or sets the font size used when constructing a GoText object.  
Public PropertyDeletableGets or sets whether the user can delete this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDocumentGets the document that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a view layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDraggingObjectGets the object that will be dragged instead of this selected object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDragsNodeGets or sets whether this object, when selected and a child of a group, and when dragged, drags the parent node instead. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDropDownListWhen the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.ComboBox, this controls whether the user must choose from the list of Choices, or whether the user can type in an arbitrary string.  
Public PropertyEditableGets or sets whether the user can edit this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyEditableWhenSelectedGets or sets whether OnSingleClick should only start editing if this label is part of an object that was already selected before it was clicked.  
Public PropertyEditorStyleThe kind of editor Control used when the user edits the text string in-place.  
Public PropertyFamilyNameGets or sets the font family face name.  
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets the font size.  
Public PropertyGdiCharSetGets or sets the GDI character set used for the text.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets this object's height. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyItalicGets or sets whether the font style is italic.  
Public PropertyLayerGets the layer to which this object belongs. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyLeftGets or sets this object's left coordinate, the X position. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyLineCountCompute how many lines of text are displayed.  
Public PropertyLocationOverridden. A text object's natural location is determined by its Alignment.  
Public PropertyMaximumWhen the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.NumericUpDown, this specifies the maximum value.  
Public PropertyMinimumWhen the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.NumericUpDown, this specifies the minimum value.  
Public PropertyMovableGets or sets whether the user can move this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyMultilineGets or sets whether the text is displayed in multiple lines, according to any NewLine character sequences in the text string.  
Public PropertyObserversGets an enumerator over the list of observer objects of this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyParentGets the parent group for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyPrintableGets or sets whether the view can print this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyReshapableGets or sets whether the user can reshape this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyResizableGets or sets whether the user can resize this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyResizesRealtimeGets or sets whether this object continuously changes its size during a user resizing operation. [In Web Forms there is no continuous visual feedback of a resize.] (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyRightGets or sets this object's right coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyRightToLeftGets or sets whether this text should be drawn from right to left, when the RightToLeftFromView property is false.  
Public PropertyRightToLeftFromViewGets or sets whether the view's RightToLeft property governs how the string is drawn, or whether this text object's RightToLeft property takes precedence.  
Public PropertySelectableGets or sets whether the user can select this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertySelectionObjectGets the object that gets selection handles when this object is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyShadowedGets or sets whether this object is painted with a drop shadow. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyStrikeThroughGets or sets whether the font style includes strike-through.  
Public PropertyStringTrimmingGets or sets how characters are removed when AutoResizes is false.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the string that this text object displays.  
Public PropertyTextColorGets or sets the color of the text.  
Public PropertyTopGets or sets this object's top coordinate, the Y position. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyTransparentBackgroundGets or sets whether the background color is painted.  
Public PropertyUnderlineGets or sets whether the font style includes underline.  
Public PropertyViewGets the view that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a document layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets whether the user can see this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets this object's width. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyWrappingGets or sets whether the text is wrapped when the text reaches the wrapping width.  
Public PropertyWrappingWidthGets or sets the width at which text is wrapped.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddObserverRegister an object as an observer of changes to this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodAddSelectionHandlesOverridden. Implement a custom selection indicator if BackgroundOpaqueWhenSelected is true.  
Public MethodCanCopyCalled to see if the user can copy this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanDeleteCalled to see if the user can delete this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanEditCalled to see if the user can edit this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanMoveCalled to see if the user can move this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanPrintCalled to see if the view can print this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanReshapeCalled to see if the user can reshape this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanResizeCalled to see if the user can resize this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanSelectCalled to see if the user can select this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanViewCalled to see if the user can see this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodChangedNotify this object's document or view that some part of this object's state has been changed, via the GoDocument.Changed event and using the GoChangedEventArgs event args class. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodChangeValueOverridden. Performs changes for undo and redo.  
Public MethodChangingNotify this object's document or view that some part of this object's state is about to be changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodComputeMoveCalculate a new location for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodComputeResizeCalculate a new bounding rectangle for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodContainedByRectangleDetermine if a given rectangle completely encloses this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodContainsPointDetermine if a given point is inside and on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyThis convenience method just makes a copy of the object itself, using a generic GoCopyDictionary. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyNewValueForRedoPreserve any mutable state needed to perform an IGoUndoableEdit.Redo. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyObjectCalled during the first phase of the copy process to produce a copy of this object within the given copy dictionary. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyObjectDelayedFor objects that require a second pass to complete the copying, this method is called after the first pass of copying all of the objects in CopyFromCollection(IGoCollection). (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyOldValueForUndoPreserve any mutable state needed to perform an IGoUndoableEdit.Undo. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCreateBoundingHandleCreate a bounding handle for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCreateEditorCreate a GoControl that implements an editor for this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCreateResizeHandleCreate a resize handle for this object, given a handle ID. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoBeginEditStart editing this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoEndEditStop editing this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoMoveCalled when a user moves this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoResizeCalled when a user resizes this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodExpandPaintBoundsOverridden. Consider any shadow when calculating the paint bounds.  
Public MethodGetContextMenuCalled to get a GoContextMenu to display for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetCursorNameCalled when rendering the view to determine the cursor, if any, to display over this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetNearestIntersectionPointFind the closest point in this object to a given point that is on a line from that point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetPartInfoReturn a GoPartInfo that describes this object and that can be transmitted to the client (user agent) as JavaScript data structures that can be used by code running on the client. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetRectangleSpotLocationGet the position of a spot in a rectangle. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetShadowBrushGet a Brush for painting a drop shadow in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetShadowOffsetGets the size of a drop shadow for this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetShadowPenGet a Pen for painting a drop shadow in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetSpotLocationGet the position of a spot on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetToolTipCalled to get a String to display as a tooltip for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodInvalidateViewsCause all views to repaint this object when they get a chance. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodIsChildOfDetermines if this object is a child, perhaps indirectly, of the given object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnContextClickCalled when the user context clicks on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnDoubleClickCalled when the user double clicks on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnEnterLeaveCalled when the document object immediately under the mouse changes after a drag. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnGotSelectionCalled when this object becomes selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnHoverCalled when the user hovers over this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnLostSelectionCalled when this object becomes unselected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnMouseOverCalled when the user moves the mouse over this object when not dragging or resizing. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSelectionDroppedCalled after the user has dropped the selection on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSelectionDropRejectCalled during a user's drag of the view's Selection when the mouse is over this object, to give this object a chance to veto a drop. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSingleClickOverridden. Start editing this text object on a single click if this object is editable.  
Public MethodPaintOverridden. Draw a text string according to the attributes specified by this object's properties.  
Public MethodPaintGreekThis method is responsible for alternative painting when the scale is small.  
Public MethodPickReturn an object at a point, perhaps only a selectable one. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodRemoveThis convenience method just removes this object from its container, if there is any. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodRemoveObserverMake sure an object is not an observer of changes to this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodRemoveSelectionHandlesOverridden. Implement a custom selection indicator if BackgroundOpaqueWhenSelected is true.  
Public MethodSetRectangleSpotLocationModify a rectangle such that its new spot location is at a given point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSetSizeKeepingLocationOverridden. This method can be called to change the size of this object without changing its location.  
Public MethodSetSpotLocationOverloaded. Move this object so this object's given spot is at the given location. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSpotOppositeGet the spot that is on the opposite side of a given spot. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodComputeBoundsRecalculates the actual bounding rectangle for this object when it might be invalid. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected MethodOnBoundsChangedOverridden. Handle any change in size.  
Protected MethodOnLayerChangedOverridden. Handle any change in layers.  
Protected MethodOnObservedChangedCalled when an observed object has been changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected MethodOnParentChangedCalled when this object's parent is changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
See Also


GoText Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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