GoDiagram Web Reference
GoSheet Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoSheet.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoSheet ConstructorConstructs a sheet by calling CreatePaper, CreateBackgroundImage, and CreateGrid.  
Public Fields
Public FieldChangedBackgroundImageThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the BackgroundImage property.  
Public FieldChangedBackgroundImageSpotThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the BackgroundImageSpot property.  
Public FieldChangedBottomRightMarginThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the BottomRightMargin property.  
Public FieldChangedGridThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Grid property.  
Public FieldChangedMarginColorThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the MarginColor property.  
Public FieldChangedPaperThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the Paper property.  
Public FieldChangedShowsMarginsThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the ShowsMargins property.  
Public FieldChangedTopLeftMarginThis is a Changed subhint identifying changes to the value of the TopLeftMargin property.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoRescalesGets or sets whether this object automatically rescales its appearance when its size changes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets the GoImage that decorates the paper.  
Public PropertyBackgroundImageSpotGets or sets the spot at which the BackgroundImage is located by LayoutChildren, relative to the MarginBounds.  
Public PropertyBottomGets or sets this object's bottom coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyBottomRightMarginGets or sets the size of the margins along the right side and bottom.  
Public PropertyChildNamesGets a Dictionary of name/child mappings in both directions. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyCopyableGets or sets whether the user can copy this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyCountGets the number of child objects in this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyDeletableGets or sets whether the user can delete this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDocumentGets the document that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a view layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDraggingObjectGets the object that will be dragged instead of this selected object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyDragsNodeGets or sets whether this object, when selected and a child of a group, and when dragged, drags the parent node instead. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyEditableGets or sets whether the user can edit this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyFirstGets the first child object of this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyGridGets or sets the GoGrid that provides both the sheet of paper appearance and the grid appearance and behavior.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets this object's height. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyItemOverloaded. This IList indexed property gets or sets the object at a position in the group's array of children. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyLastGets the last child object of this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyLayerGets the layer to which this object belongs. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyLeftGets or sets this object's left coordinate, the X position. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyLocationGets or sets this object's natural position. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyMarginBoundsGets the bounding rectangle of the area inside the margins.  
Public PropertyMarginColorGets or sets the color used to shade the margins when ShowsMargins is true.  
Public PropertyMovableGets or sets whether the user can move this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyObserversGets an enumerator over the list of observer objects of this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyPaperGets or sets the GoRectangle object that provides the sheet of paper appearance.  
Public PropertyParentGets the parent group for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyPickableBackgroundGets or sets whether Pick returns this node when the tested point is in the background of this group, not on any of its child objects. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public PropertyPrintableGets or sets whether the view can print this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyReshapableGets or sets whether the user can reshape this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyResizableGets or sets whether the user can resize this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyResizesRealtimeGets or sets whether this object continuously changes its size during a user resizing operation. [In Web Forms there is no continuous visual feedback of a resize.] (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyRightGets or sets this object's right coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertySelectableGets or sets whether the user can select this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertySelectionObjectGets the object that gets selection handles when this object is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyShadowedGets or sets whether this object is painted with a drop shadow. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyShowsMarginsGets or sets whether this sheet should shade the marginal area.  
Public PropertyTopGets or sets this object's top coordinate, the Y position. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyTopLeftMarginGets or sets the size of the margins along the left side and top.  
Public PropertyViewGets the view that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a document layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets whether the user can see this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets this object's width. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdd an object to this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodAddChildNameAdd an association of a string name with a child object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodAddCollectionMove some objects into this group, as immediate children of this group, even if they are part of other groups in this same layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodAddObserverRegister an object as an observer of changes to this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodAddSelectionHandlesAdd selection handles for this object for the given selection collection. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanCopyCalled to see if the user can copy this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanDeleteCalled to see if the user can delete this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanEditCalled to see if the user can edit this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanMoveCalled to see if the user can move this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanPrintCalled to see if the view can print this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanReshapeCalled to see if the user can reshape this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanResizeCalled to see if the user can resize this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanSelectCalled to see if the user can select this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCanViewCalled to see if the user can see this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodChangedNotify this object's document or view that some part of this object's state has been changed, via the GoDocument.Changed event and using the GoChangedEventArgs event args class. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodChangeValueOverridden. Implement undo and redo support.  
Public MethodChangingNotify this object's document or view that some part of this object's state is about to be changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodClearRemove all children from this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodComputeMoveCalculate a new location for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodComputeResizeCalculate a new bounding rectangle for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodContainedByRectangleDetermine if a given rectangle completely encloses this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodContainsThis predicate is true when an object belongs to this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodContainsPointA group contains a point if any of its visible children contain that point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodCopyThis convenience method just makes a copy of the object itself, using a generic GoCopyDictionary. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyArrayReturns a newly allocated array of all of the immediate child objects in this group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodCopyNewValueForRedoPreserve any mutable state needed to perform an IGoUndoableEdit.Redo. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyObjectProduces a copy of this object within the given copy dictionary. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodCopyObjectDelayedFor objects that require a second pass to complete the copying, this method is called after the first pass of copying all of the objects in CopyFromCollection(IGoCollection). (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyOldValueForUndoPreserve any mutable state needed to perform an IGoUndoableEdit.Undo. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCopyToCopy references to this group's immediate children into the given array. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodCreateBoundingHandleCreate a bounding handle for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCreateEditorCreate a GoControl that implements an editor for this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodCreateResizeHandleCreate a resize handle for this object, given a handle ID. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoBeginEditStart editing this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoEndEditStop editing this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoMoveCalled when a user moves this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodDoResizeCalled when a user resizes this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodExpandPaintBoundsOverridden. The paint bounds for a sheet depend on the paint bounds of the GoGrid child objects, which may be large and depend on the size of the view.  
Public MethodFindChildOverridden. The properties referring to parts of this node are also the names of those parts.  
Public MethodFindNameOverridden. The properties referring to parts of this node are also the names of those parts.  
Public MethodGetContextMenuCalled to get a GoContextMenu to display for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetCursorNameCalled when rendering the view to determine the cursor, if any, to display over this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGet an enumerator for iterating over the group's children, starting with the first child, which is painted behind all other children in the group. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodGetNearestIntersectionPointA group's closest intersection point with a line is the closest such point among all of the visible children. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodGetPartInfoReturn a GoPartInfo that describes this object and that can be transmitted to the client (user agent) as JavaScript data structures that can be used by code running on the client. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetRectangleSpotLocationGet the position of a spot in a rectangle. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetShadowBrushOverridden. The sheet has a black shadow.  
Public MethodGetShadowOffsetGets the size of a drop shadow for this object in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetShadowPenGet a Pen for painting a drop shadow in the given view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetSpotLocationGet the position of a spot on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodGetToolTipCalled to get a String to display as a tooltip for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodIndexOfProvide a GoObject-specific implementation of IndexOf. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodInsertProvide a GoObject-specific implementation of Insert, which just calls Add or InsertBefore. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodInsertAfterAdd or move an object to be after an existing child. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodInsertBeforeAdd or move an object to be before an existing child. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateViewsCause all views to repaint this object when they get a chance. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodIsChildOfDetermines if this object is a child, perhaps indirectly, of the given object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodLayoutChildrenOverridden. This updates any internal structures needed to keep the marginal areas up-to-date with the TopLeftMargin and BottomRightMargin properties.  
Public MethodOnContextClickCalled when the user context clicks on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnDoubleClickCalled when the user double clicks on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnEnterLeaveCalled when the document object immediately under the mouse changes after a drag. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnGotSelectionCalled when this object becomes selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnHoverCalled when the user hovers over this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnLostSelectionCalled when this object becomes unselected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnMouseOverCalled when the user moves the mouse over this object when not dragging or resizing. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSelectionDroppedCalled after the user has dropped the selection on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSelectionDropRejectCalled during a user's drag of the view's Selection when the mouse is over this object, to give this object a chance to veto a drop. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodOnSingleClickCalled when the user single clicks on this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodPaintPainting a group just paints all of its children. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodPickPicking a group first tries to pick a child, starting with the last one which is most in front. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodPickObjectsReturn a collection of objects that can be picked at a particular point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodRemoveOverloaded. Overridden. Update the internal reference fields when a child object is removed.  
Public MethodRemoveAtImplement the IList method, which just calls Remove(GoObject). (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodRemoveChildNameOverloaded. Remove any association of a string name with a child object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Public MethodRemoveObserverMake sure an object is not an observer of changes to this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodRemoveSelectionHandlesRemove all selection handles for this object for the given selection collection. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSetRectangleSpotLocationModify a rectangle such that its new spot location is at a given point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSetSizeKeepingLocationSets a new size for this object while maintaining the same location. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSetSpotLocationOverloaded. Move this object so this object's given spot is at the given location. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Public MethodSpotOppositeGet the spot that is on the opposite side of a given spot. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodComputeBoundsThe bounding rectangle of a group is just the union of the bounds of its children. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Protected MethodCopyChildrenOverridden. Update the internal reference fields when this object is copied.  
Protected MethodCreateBackgroundImageThe default sheet has no background GoImage.  
Protected MethodCreateGridCreate a GoGrid object.  
Protected MethodCreatePaperCreate the GoRectangle that acts as the sheet's Paper.  
Protected MethodMoveChildrenThis just moves all the children from the group's former location. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Protected MethodOnBoundsChangedProvides default behavior, assuming all children are already correctly placed and sized, and only need to be moved and/or scaled to fit the new bounds of this GoGroup. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
Protected MethodOnLayerChangedCalled when this object's layer is changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected MethodOnObservedChangedCalled when an observed object has been changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected MethodOnParentChangedCalled when this object's parent is changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject)
Protected MethodRescaleChildrenThis handles the general case of a resize by scaling and repositioning all the children. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoGroup)
See Also


GoSheet Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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