GoDiagram Web Reference
GoDocument Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by GoDocument.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoDocument ConstructorCreate a document containing one empty layer.  
Public Fields
Public FieldAbortedTransactionThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by AbortTransaction just after a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.AbortTransaction.  
Public FieldAllArrangedThis is a RaiseChanged hint.  
Public FieldBeginUpdateAllViewsThis is a RaiseChanged hint to tell all of the GoViews on this document to call GoView.BeginUpdate.  
Public FieldChangedAllowCopyThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowCopy property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowDeleteThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowDelete property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowEditThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowEdit property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowInsertThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowInsert property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowLinkThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowLink property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowMoveThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowMove property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowReshapeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowReshape property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowResizeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowResize property.  
Public FieldChangedAllowSelectThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the AllowSelect property.  
Public FieldChangedDataFormatThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the DataFormat property.  
Public FieldChangedFixedSizeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the FixedSize property.  
Public FieldChangedInitializingThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the Initializing property.  
Public FieldChangedLastPartIDThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the LastPartID property.  
Public FieldChangedLinksLayerThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the LinksLayer property.  
Public FieldChangedMaintainsPartIDThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the MaintainsPartID property.  
Public FieldChangedNameThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the Name property.  
Public FieldChangedObjectThis RaiseChanged hint is a synonym for GoLayer.GoLayer.ChangedObject.  
Public FieldChangedPaperColorThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the PaperColor property.  
Public FieldChangedRoutingTimeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the RoutingTime property.  
Public FieldChangedSizeThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the Size property.  
Public FieldChangedTopLeftThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the TopLeft property.  
Public FieldChangedUserFlagsThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the UserFlags property.  
Public FieldChangedUserObjectThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the UserObject property.  
Public FieldChangedValidCycleThis is a RaiseChanged hint identifying changes to the value of the ValidCycle property.  
Public FieldEndUpdateAllViewsThis is a RaiseChanged hint to tell all of the GoViews on this document to call GoView.EndUpdate.  
Public FieldFinishedRedoThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by Redo just after a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.Redo.  
Public FieldFinishedTransactionThis is a RaiseChanged hint called by FinishTransaction just after a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.FinishTransaction.  
Public FieldFinishedUndoThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by Undo just after a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.Undo.  
Public FieldLastHintThis is the last system-defined RaiseChanged hint.  
Public FieldRepaintAllThis is a RaiseChanged hint to tell all of the GoViews on this document to call GoView.UpdateView.  
Public FieldStartedTransactionThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by StartTransaction just after a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.StartTransaction.  
Public FieldStartingRedoThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by Redo just before a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.Redo.  
Public FieldStartingUndoThis is a RaiseChanged hint, called by Undo just before a call to GoUndoManager.GoUndoManager.Undo.  
Public FieldUpdateAllViewsThis is a RaiseChanged hint to tell all of the GoViews on this document to call Control.Update.  
Protected Fields
Protected Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NullRectThis is an empty RectangleF, which is convenient when calling RaiseChanged.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowCopyGets or sets whether the user can copy selected objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowDeleteGets or sets whether the user can delete selected objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowEditGets or sets whether the user can edit objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowInsertGets or sets whether the user can insert objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowLinkGets or sets whether the user can link objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowMoveGets or sets whether the user can move selected objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowReshapeGets or sets whether the user can reshape resizable objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowResizeGets or sets whether the user can resize selected objects in this document.  
Public PropertyAllowSelectGets or sets whether the user can select objects in this document.  
Public PropertyCountGets the total number of objects in all document layers.  
Public PropertyDataFormatGets or sets this document's data format name for the clipboard.  
Public PropertyDefaultLayerGets or sets the layer that is considered the default layer for document operations that do not specify a layer.  
Public PropertyDelayedRoutingsA collection of GoObjects that implement the IGoRoutable interface and whose CalculateRoute needs to be called.  
Public PropertyFixedSizeGets or sets whether UpdateDocumentBounds should update the Size and TopLeft properties as objects are added or moved.  
Public PropertyIsModifiedGets or sets whether this document is considered changed from an earlier state.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyThis collection is never read-only programmatically, but might not be modifiable by the user: SetModifiable.  
Public PropertyLastPartIDGets or sets the last PartID value that this document assigned to an IGoIdentifiablePart when MaintainsPartID is true.  
Public PropertyLinksLayerGets or sets the layer that is normally used for holding links.  
Public PropertyMaintainsPartIDGets or sets whether the document should make sure each IGoIdentifiablePart has a unique IGoIdentifiablePart.PartID.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets a name for this document.  
Public PropertyPaperColorGets or sets the color for this document's background.  
Public PropertyRoutingTimeGets or sets when IGoRoutable objects should have their routes recalculated.  
Public PropertySerializesUndoManagerGets or sets whether the UndoManager is serialized when the document is.  
Public PropertySizeGets or sets the size of this document.  
Public PropertyTopLeftGets or sets the top-left corner position of this document.  
Public PropertyUndoManagerGets or sets the UndoManager for this document.  
Public PropertyUserFlagsGets or sets an integer value associated with this document.  
Public PropertyUserObjectGets or sets an object associated with this document.  
Public PropertyValidCycleGets or sets whether a valid link can be made between two ports that may produce a directed or undirected cycle in this document.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAbortTransactionCall the UndoManager's GoUndoManager.AbortTransaction method.  
Public MethodAddAdd an object to the DefaultLayer, or to the LinksLayer if the object is an IGoLink.  
Public MethodAddCopyAdd a copy of an object into this document at the given point.  
Public MethodBeginUpdateViewsCause all views to stop painting.  
Public MethodCanCopyObjectsCalled to see if the user can copy selected objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanDeleteObjectsCalled to see if the user can delete selected objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanEditObjectsCalled to see if the user can edit objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanInsertObjectsCalled to see if the user can insert objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanLinkObjectsCalled to see if the user can link objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanMoveObjectsCalled to see if the user can move selected objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanRedoThis predicate is true if this document has an UndoManager whose CanRedo predicate is true.  
Public MethodCanReshapeObjectsCalled to see if the user can reshape resizable objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanResizeObjectsCalled to see if the user can resize selected objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanSelectObjectsCalled to see if the user can select objects in this document.  
Public MethodCanUndoThis predicate is true if this document has an UndoManager whose CanUndo predicate is true.  
Public MethodChangeValueThis method is called by GoChangedEventArgs in order to perform the Undo or Redo or a particular document change.  
Public MethodClearRemove all objects from all layers in this document.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ComputeBoundsOverloaded. Get the smallest rectangle that includes the bounds of all of the objects in a collection.  
Public MethodContainsDetermine if an object belongs to this document.  
Public MethodCopyMake a copy of this document.  
Public MethodCopyArrayGets a newly allocated array of all of the GoObjects in this collection.  
Public MethodCopyFromCollectionOverloaded. Make copies of a collection of objects in this document.  
Public MethodCopyNewValueForRedoThis is called during the construction of a GoChangedEventArgs in order to record the newer/next value for a document change.  
Public MethodCopyOldValueForUndoThis is called during the construction of a GoChangedEventArgs in order to record the older/previous value for a document change.  
Public MethodCopyToCopy references to all of the document objects into the given array of GoObjects.  
Public MethodCreateCopyDictionaryAllocate a GoCopyDictionary for use in a call to CopyFromCollection(IGoCollection,Boolean,Boolean,SizeF,GoCopyDictionary)  
Public MethodDoDelayedRoutingCall IGoRoutable.CalculateRoute on each of the objects in the DelayedRoutings collection, and clear that collection.  
Public MethodEndUpdateViewsCause all views to continue painting normally.  
Public MethodEnsureUniquePartIDMake sure every IGoIdentifiablePart in this document has a unique IGoIdentifiablePart.PartID.  
Public MethodFindNodeOverloaded. Search this document for an object whose IGoLabeledPart.Text property matches a given string, possibly considering the initial part of the part's text string and possibly comparing in a case-insensitive manner.  
Public MethodFindPartReturns an IGoIdentifiablePart in this document with the given ID.  
Public MethodFinishTransactionCall the UndoManager's GoUndoManager.FinishTransaction method.  
Public MethodGetAvoidableRectangleReturn the effective bounds of an object that should be avoided when routing links whose GoLink.AvoidsNodes property is true.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGet an Enumerator that iterates over all layers to include all document objects.  
Public MethodInvalidateViewsCause all views to completely repaint sometime in the future.  
Public MethodIsAvoidableThis predicate determines whether the given object is considered when trying to route links whose GoLink.AvoidsNodes property is true.  
Public MethodIsUnoccupiedReturns true if there are any "avoidable" objects within or intersecting the given rectangular region.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MakesDirectedCycleThis method returns true if adding a link from a to b would result in a cycle of directed links going through the node a.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MakesDirectedCycleFastThis method returns true if adding a link from a to b would result in a cycle of directed links going through the node a.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MakesUndirectedCycleThis method returns true if adding a link from a to b would result in a cycle or loop of links, regardless of link direction, going through the node a.  
Public MethodMergeLayersFromMake sure this document has all of the identified layers of another document.  
Public MethodPickObjectFind the top-most (front-most) document object at a given point.  
Public MethodPickObjectsReturn a collection of objects that can be picked at a particular point.  
Public MethodPickObjectsInRectangleReturn a collection of objects that are surrounded by a given rectangle.  
Public MethodRaiseChangedAny change to a document or to a part of a document may call this method to invoke the OnChanged method, after the change has occurred.  
Public MethodRaiseChangingCall this method to invoke the OnChanged method before any change occurs.  
Public MethodRedoCall the UndoManager's GoUndoManager.Redo method if CanRedo is true.  
Public MethodRemoveRemove an object from this document.  
Public MethodSetModifiableThis method sets some properties that determine whether the user can modify the document from any view.  
Public MethodStartTransactionCall the UndoManager's GoUndoManager.StartTransaction method.  
Public MethodTestSerializationTest serializing and deserializing this document, to help discover unserializable objects by getting SerializationExceptions when debugging serialization errors such as during a copy-and-paste.  
Public MethodUndoCall the UndoManager's GoUndoManager.Undo method if CanUndo is true.  
Public MethodUpdateDocumentBoundsCalled when a document object's bounds changes to possibly update the document's bounds.  
Public MethodUpdateRouteIf SuspendsRouting is true add the given IGoRoutableGoObject to the DelayedRoutings collection; otherwise just call CalculateRoute immediately.  
Public MethodUpdateViewsCause all views to repaint their invalidated areas.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnChangedCalled when any part of this document has changed, to invoke all Changed event handlers.  
Public Events
Public EventChangedThe Changed event is raised whenever a document or a part of a document is modified.  
See Also


GoDocument Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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