GoDiagram Web Reference
GoBrushStyle Enumeration

An enumeration of all of the kinds of simple brushes that GoShape supports.
Public Enum GoBrushStyle 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum GoBrushStyle : System.Enum 
CustomLinearGradientA LinearGradientBrush not constructed by setting the various GoShape.Brush... properties or calling the various GoShape.Fill... methods. Such a brush is not likely to be serializable, and will need to be reconstructed dynamically.
CustomPathGradientA PathGradientBrush not constructed by setting the various GoShape.Brush... properties or calling the various GoShape.Fill... methods. Such a brush is not likely to be serializable, and will need to be reconstructed dynamically.
DoubleEdgeGradientBackwardDiagonalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-right and bottom-left corners, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the center, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in between. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
DoubleEdgeGradientForwardDiagonalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-left and bottom-right corners, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the center, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in between. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
DoubleEdgeGradientHorizontalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the left and the right sides, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the center, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in between. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
DoubleEdgeGradientVerticalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the top and the bottom, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the center, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in between. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
EllipseGradientA three color path gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the edges of an ellipse whose Bounds are the same as the shape, gradually turning into the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the very middle. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle. This has the same effect as ShapeSimpleGradient when the shape is an ellipse, but when the shape is not an ellipse, the brush continues to paint an elliptical gradient. This should not be used for very large shapes; in some cases the system will automatically use a simple solid brush instead.
HatchBackwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchCrossA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDarkDownwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDarkHorizontalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDarkUpwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDarkVerticalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDashedDownwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDashedHorizontalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDashedUpwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDashedVerticalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDiagonalBrickA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDiagonalCrossA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDivotA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDottedDiamondA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchDottedGridA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchForwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchHorizontalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchHorizontalBrickA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLargeCheckerBoardA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLargeConfettiA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLightDownwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLightHorizontalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLightUpwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchLightVerticalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchNarrowHorizontalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchNarrowVerticalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchOutlinedDiamondA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent05A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent10A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent20A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent25A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent30A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent40A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent50A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent60A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent70A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent75A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent80A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPercent90A hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchPlaidA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchShingleA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchSmallCheckerBoardA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchSmallConfettiA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchSmallGridA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchSolidDiamondA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchSphereA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchTrellisA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchVerticalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchWaveA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchWeaveA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchWideDownwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchWideUpwardDiagonalA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
HatchZigZagA hatch pattern, using a HatchBrush, that uses the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor.
MiddleGradientBackwardDiagonalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-right, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor at the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom-left. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
MiddleGradientForwardDiagonalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-left, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor at the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom-right. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
MiddleGradientHorizontalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the left, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor at the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the right. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
MiddleGradientVerticalA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor at the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
NoneNothing is painted. If you do not want GoObject.Paint to fill the region inside a shape, it is most efficient to set GoShape.GoShape.Brush to null or Nothing.
RectangleGradientA three color path gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the edges of a rectangle whose Bounds are the same as the shape, gradually turning into the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the very middle. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle. This has the same effect as ShapeSimpleGradient when the shape is a rectangle, but when the shape is not a rectangle, the brush continues to paint a rectangular gradient. This should not be used for very large shapes; in some cases the system will automatically use a simple solid brush instead.
ShapeFringeGradientA three color path gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the edges of the shape, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor and GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in most of the middle. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle. This gradient works best with convex shapes. This should not be used for very large shapes; in some cases the system will automatically use a simple solid brush instead.
ShapeHighlightGradientA two color path gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor in most of the shape, but with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor near the top-left corner. This gradient works best with convex shapes. This should not be used for very large shapes; in some cases the system will automatically use a simple solid brush instead.
ShapeSimpleGradientA two color path gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the edges of the shape, gradually turning into the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the very middle. This gradient works best with convex shapes. This should not be used for very large shapes; in some cases the system will automatically use a simple solid brush instead.
SimpleGradientBackwardDiagonalA simple two color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-right and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom-left.
SimpleGradientForwardDiagonalA simple two color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top-left and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom-right.
SimpleGradientHorizontalA simple two color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the left and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the right.
SimpleGradientVerticalA simple two color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor at the top and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom.
SingleEdgeGradientBottomA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the bottom, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the top. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
SingleEdgeGradientLeftA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the left, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the right. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
SingleEdgeGradientRightA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the right, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the left. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
SingleEdgeGradientTopA three color linear gradient, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushForeColor along the top, with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushMidColor in the middle, and with the GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor at the bottom. If the GoShape.BrushMidColor is Color.Empty, it uses the GoShape.BrushColor at the middle.
SolidThe default brush style, a uniform color using a SolidBrush; the color that is drawn may be partially or totally transparent. You can specify the color by setting GoShape.GoShape.BrushColor. Alternatively, you can set the GoShape.GoShape.Brush to an instance of a System.Drawing.SolidBrush.
TextureA pattern of tiled images, using a TextureBrush. You can set the GoShape.GoShape.Brush to an instance of a System.Drawing.TextureBrush.

This is used by the GoShape.BrushStyle property, in coordination with the GoShape.BrushColor, GoShape.BrushForeColor, and GoShape.BrushMidColor properties.

Note that diagonal linear gradients always go from one corner spot to the opposite corner spot, following the aspect ratio of the shape, not at 45 or 135 degree angles.

When a linear gradient brush or a path gradient brush is drawn very small, due to a combination of small size and small GoView.GoView.DocScale, GoDiagram may substitute a solid brush or not draw anything at all, both for efficiency as well as to avoid GDI+ errors. When a path gradient brush is drawn very large, due to a combination of large size and large GoView.GoView.DocScale, GoDiagram may substitute a solid brush, both for efficiency as well as to avoid GDI+ errors.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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