[Category("Behavior")] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [Description("An instance of a link to be copied when linking.")] public virtual GoObject NewLinkPrototype {get; set;}
[Category("Behavior")] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [Description("An instance of a link to be copied when linking.")] public virtual GoObject NewLinkPrototype {get; set;}
The CreateLink method uses this property to determine what kind of link to create. It is also used by the GoToolLinking tool's CreateTemporaryLink method.
With this property, you can more easily initialize the properties of each new link to be created, by setting the properties once on this prototype object, rather than each time in a LinkCreated event handler. For coding purposes, it may be more convenient to refer to either the NewGoLink property to set GoLink properties if this object is a GoLink, or to the NewGoLabeledLink property to set GoLabeledLink properties, if this object is a GoLabeledLink.