public override void Start()
public override void Start()
This first remembers the MoveOffset between the CurrentObject's position and the mouse point (the first input event point). It removes any selection handles, so those do not need to be dragged along. It also starts a transaction. If the view's GoView.AllowDragOut property is true, we call Control.DoDragDrop
to start the standard modal drag-and-drop process.
This depends on the cooperation of GoView.OnDragOver, GoView.OnDragDrop, and GoView.OnQueryContinueDrag to call DoMouseMove, DoMouseUp, and DoCancelMouse appropriately when the drop target is the same view as the drag source. If the view's GoView.AllowDragOut property is false, the normal calls to DoMouseMove, DoMouseUp, and DoCancelMouse occur.
If SelectsWhenStarts is false, this method does not modify the current selection and does not set CurrentObject or MoveOffset.