GoDiagram Win Reference
Northwoods.Go.Draw Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassGoBrushControl A GoBrushControl lets the user modify various properties of Brushes, such as Northwoods.Go.GoShape.BrushColor, via a GoPropertyModifier.
ClassGoBrushForm Provides a user interface for editing the properties of a brush in a Form, either as a modal dialog or as a modeless form.
ClassGoBrushToolStrip A GoBrushControl hosted by a ToolStripControlHost. Available for drag and drop from the toolbox onto a ToolStrip in Visual Studio
ClassGoColorControl This control provides the basic functionality for letting a user pick a color from palettes of standard colors as well as custom colors, with optional alpha transparency.
ClassGoColorForm Provides a user interface for choosing colors in a Form, either as a modal dialog or as a modeless form.
ClassGoDrawToolDragging Extends the GoToolDragging tool to provide support for the GoDrawView's GoRuler and GoRulerCursors. Adds object cursors to the GoRuler when dragging GoObjects on the GoDrawView.
ClassGoDrawToolManager Extend the standard GoDrawToolManager to update the rulers immediately with mouse-over events and mouse-wheel turns.
ClassGoDrawToolResizing Extends the GoToolResizing tool to provide support for the GoDrawView's GoRuler and GoRulerCursors. Adds object cursors to the GoRuler when resizing GoObjects on the GoDrawView.
ClassGoDrawToolRubberBanding This version of GoDrawToolRubberBanding keeps the rulers up-to-date.
ClassGoDrawUnits Provides static/shared methods for converting measurement values between different GoDrawUnits.
ClassGoDrawView A Northwoods.Go.GoView that has GoRulers as the top and left bars, and that displays cursors in those rulers as the user moves the mouse around, drags the selection, resizes an object, or does a rubber-band selection.
ClassGoPenControl A GoPenControl lets the user modify various properties of Pens, such as Northwoods.Go.GoShape.Pen or Northwoods.Go.GoListGroup.Northwoods.Go.GoListGroup.ChangedBorderPen, via a GoPropertyModifier.
ClassGoPenForm Provides a user interface for editing the color, width, and dash style properties of a pen in a Form, either as a modal dialog or as a modeless form.
ClassGoPenToolStrip A GoPenControl hosted by a ToolStripControlHost. Available for drag and drop from the toolbox onto a ToolStrip in Visual Studio.
ClassGoPropertyForm This is a abstract Form that implements IGoPropertyControl, supporting both modal and modeless behavior.
ClassGoPropertyModifier The GoPropertyModifier class provides an extendable interface by which a control and the object(s) it modifies are uncoupled.
ClassGoPropertyModifierArgs This class is used to pass search arguments to the various Find... and Modify... methods of GoPropertyModifier, including GoPropertyModifier.FindProperty and GoPropertyModifier.ModifyProperty.
ClassGoPropertyUserControl This is an abstract UserControl that implements IGoPropertyControl, to more easily create custom controls that display and modify Northwoods.Go.GoObject properties using a GoPropertyModifier.
ClassGoRuler The GoRuler displays on-screen "real-world" measurements in GoDrawUnit units.
ClassGoRulerCursor Provides functionality for drawing cursors (special marks) onto a GoRuler. The Value property can be changed dynamically to have the cursor "follow" the mouse or some object in the view.
ClassGoTextControl A GoTextControl lets the user modify various properties of Northwoods.Go.GoText objects, via a GoPropertyModifier.
ClassGoTextForm Provides a user interface for editing the bold, italic, strikethough, underline, auto resizes, bordered, multiline, and wrapping properties of a GoText object in a Form, either as a modal dialog or as a modeless form.
ClassGoTextToolStrip A GoTextControl hosted by a ToolStripControlHost. Available for drag and drop from the toolbox onto a ToolStrip in Visual Studio
InterfaceIGoPropertyControl Controls that modify Northwoods.Go.GoObject properties using a GoPropertyModifier should implement this interface.
StructureGoColor The GoColor structure represents a color in five different color models, RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSB, and HSL. Each of the components of the color models can be modified to change the represented color.
StructureGoRulerMark Describes where a tick mark should be drawn on a GoRuler. The properties include the start and end to describe the length of the line, the color and width of the line, and whether the mark should be numbered with the measure value on the ruler.
EnumerationGoDrawUnit Specifies a unit of measure.
EnumerationGoPropertyModifierChoice Specify which Northwoods.Go.GoObjects in the GoPropertyModifier.GoPropertyModifier.Collection should be modified by calls to GoPropertyModifier.ModifyProperty. These enumeration values can be logically combined as flags.
EnumerationGoPropertyModifierPart Distinguish between different parts of Northwoods.Go.GoObject property values that are themselves complex objects.
EnumerationGoRulerTextOrientation Provides orientation values for text.
See Also


Northwoods.Go.Draw Assembly



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