GoDraw is a library that provides a set of controls and classes for extending the usability and features in your GoDiagram Win application. GoDraw is not supported with GoExpress or GoDiagram Web.
The controls that are provided are
- GoDrawView – a GoView that has GoRulers as the top and left bars, and that displays cursors in those rulers as the user moves the mouse around, drags the selection, resizes an object, or does a rubber-band selection
- GoRuler – displays on-screen "real-world" measurements in GoDrawUnit units
- GoBrushControl / GoBrushForm – a control that lets the user modify various properties of Brushes, such as GoShape.BrushColor
- GoPenControl / GoPenForm – a control that lets the user modify various properties of Pens, such as GoShape.Pen or GoListGroup.BorderPen
- GoTextControl / GoTextForm – a control that lets the user modify various properties of GoText objects
The classes and structures that are provided are
- GoColor – a structure that represents a color in five different color models, RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSB, and HSL. Each of the components of the color models can be modified to change the represented color.
- GoDrawUnits – provides static/shared methods for converting measurement values between different GoDrawUnits.
- GoPropertyModifier – this class provides an extendable interface by which a control and the object(s) it modifies are uncoupled.
- IGoPropertyControl – Controls that modify GoObject properties using a GoPropertyModifier should implement this interface.