GoDiagram Web Reference
IGoPort Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IGoPort.

Public Properties
 PropertyDestinationLinksGets an enumerator over all of the links going out of this port.  
 PropertyDestinationLinksCountGets the number of links going out of this port.  
 PropertyLinksGets an enumerator over all of the links connected at this port.  
 PropertyLinksCountGets the total number of links connected at this port.  
 PropertyNodeGets the node that this port is part of.  
 PropertySourceLinksGets an enumerator over all of the links coming into this port.  
 PropertySourceLinksCountGets the number of links coming into this port.  
Public Methods
 MethodAddDestinationLinkAdd a link whose IGoLink.FromPort should be this port.  
 MethodAddSourceLinkAdd a link whose IGoLink.ToPort should be this port.  
 MethodCanLinkFromThis predicate should be true if, by itself, there is no known reason why one couldn't create a valid link from this port to some port.  
 MethodCanLinkToThis predicate should be true if, by itself, there is no known reason why one couldn't create a valid link from some port to this one.  
 MethodClearLinksRemove all links connected at this port.  
 MethodContainsLinkThis predicate is true if the given link is connected to this port.  
 MethodCopyLinksArrayReturns a newly allocated array containing references to all of the links connected to this port.  
 MethodIsValidLinkThis predicate should be true when it is valid to create a link from this port to another port.  
 MethodOnLinkChangedThis method is called when a link connected to this port is changed.  
 MethodRemoveLinkRemove a link from the collection of links connected to this port.  
See Also


IGoPort Interface
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace
GoPort Class
IGoNode Interface
IGoLink Interface



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