GoDiagram Web Reference
IGoLink Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IGoLink.

Public Properties
 PropertyFromNodeGets the node that the link is coming from.  
 PropertyFromPortGets or sets the port that the link is coming from.  
 PropertyToNodeGets the node that the link is going to.  
 PropertyToPortGets or sets the port that the link is going to.  
Public Methods
 MethodGetOtherNodeGiven one of the nodes connected to this link, return this link's other node.  
 MethodGetOtherPortGiven one of the ports connected to this link, return this link's other port.  
 MethodOnPortChangedThis method is called when one of this link's two ports is changed.  
 MethodUnlinkRemove this link by disconnecting it from both of its ports.  
See Also


IGoLink Interface
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace
GoLink Class
GoLabeledLink Class
IGoPort Interface
IGoNode Interface



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