GoDiagram Web Reference
GoUndoManager Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoUndoManager.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoUndoManager ConstructorCreate a GoUndoManager that is ready to record document modifications, but that does not know about any documents yet.  
Public Fields
Public FieldCollapsedNameThe unlocalized name for an IGoCollapsible collapse, "Collapsed".  
Public FieldCollapsedSubGraphNameThe unlocalized name for a SubGraph collapsing, "Collapsed SubGraph".  
Public FieldCopyNameThe unlocalized name for a clipboard copy operation, "Copy".  
Public FieldCopySelectionNameThe unlocalized name for a drag copy operation, "Copy Selection".  
Public FieldCutNameThe unlocalized name for a clipboard cut operation, "Cut".  
Public FieldDeleteSelectionNameThe unlocalized name for a delete operation, "Delete Selection".  
Public FieldDragCreatedNameThe unlocalized name for a GoToolCreating addition of an object, "Drag Created".  
Public FieldDropNameThe unlocalized name for a drag drop operation, "Drop".  
Public FieldExpandedAllSubGraphsNameThe unlocalized name for a complete SubGraph expansion, "Expanded All SubGraphs".  
Public FieldExpandedNameThe unlocalized name for an IGoCollapsible expansion, "Expanded".  
Public FieldExpandedSubGraphNameThe unlocalized name for a SubGraph expansion, "Expanded SubGraph".  
Public FieldMoveSelectionNameThe unlocalized name for a drag move operation, "Move Selection".  
Public FieldNewLinkNameThe unlocalized name for a linking operation, "New Link".  
Public FieldPasteNameThe unlocalized name for a clipboard paste operation, "Paste".  
Public FieldRelinkNameThe unlocalized name for a relinking operation, "Relink".  
Public FieldResizeNameThe unlocalized name for a resize operation, "Resize".  
Public FieldTextEditNameThe unlocalized name for a text edit operation, "Text Edit".  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllEditsGets a list of all of the compound edits.  
Public PropertyChecksTransactionLevelGets or sets whether this undo manager will output warnings to Trace listeners when document changes occur outside of a transaction.  
Public PropertyCurrentEditGets the current compound edit for recording additional document change events.  
Public PropertyDocumentsGets a list of documents for which this UndoManager is recording undo/redo information.  
Public PropertyEditToRedoGets the current GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit to be redone, or null if there is none.  
Public PropertyEditToUndoGets the current GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit to be undone, or null if there is none.  
Public PropertyIsRedoingThis predicate is true during a call to Redo.  
Public PropertyIsUndoingThis predicate is true during a call to Undo.  
Public PropertyMaximumEditCountGets or sets the maximum number of compound edits that this undo manager will remember.  
Public PropertyRedoPresentationNameGets the user-visible string description of the next redo action.  
Public PropertyResourceManagerGets or sets the ResourceManager used to get presentation names.  
Public PropertyTransactionLevelGets the current transaction level.  
Public PropertyUndoEditIndexGets the index into AllEdits for the current undoable edit.  
Public PropertyUndoPresentationNameGets the user-visible string description of the next undo action.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAbortTransactionJust call EndTransaction, aborting the current transaction.  
Public MethodAddDocumentMake sure this undo manager knows about a GoDocument for which it is receiving document Changed event notifications.  
Public MethodCanRedoThis predicate is true when one can call Redo.  
Public MethodCanUndoThis predicate is true when one can call Undo.  
Public MethodClearClear all of the GoUndoManagerCompoundEdits and reset all other state.  
Public MethodCommitCompoundEditThis method is called by EndTransaction when committing a compound edit.  
Public MethodDocumentChangedCreate an IGoUndoableEdit for a GoDocument Changed event.  
Public MethodEndTransactionStop the current transaction, either aborting it or committing it.  
Public MethodFinishTransactionJust call EndTransaction, committing the current transaction, with the presentation name for the given transaction name.  
Public MethodGetPresentationNameLook up a string in a ResourceManager.  
Public MethodRedoRestore the state of some documents to after the current IGoUndoableEdit.  
Public MethodRemoveDocumentCall this method to inform this undo manager that it no longer will be notified of document Changed events.  
Public MethodSkipEventThis predicate is responsible for deciding if a GoChangedEventArgs is not interesting enough to be recorded.  
Public MethodStartTransactionBegin a transaction, where the changes are held by a GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit.  
Public MethodUndoRestore the state of some documents to before the current IGoUndoableEdit.  
See Also


GoUndoManager Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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