GoDiagram Web Reference
GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoUndoManagerCompoundEdit ConstructorConstruct an empty list of edits.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllEditsGets a list of all the IGoUndoableEdits in this compound edit.  
Public PropertyIsCompleteGets or sets whether we can add more undoable edits to this compound edit.  
Public PropertyPresentationNameGets the user-visible string description of this compound edit.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddEditAdd an IGoUndoableEdit to the end of the list.  
Public MethodCanRedoThis predicate returns true if you can call Redo-- namely when IsComplete is true.  
Public MethodCanUndoThis predicate returns true if you can call Undo-- namely when IsComplete is true.  
Public MethodClearClear all of the IGoUndoableEdits and forget all references to them.  
Public MethodRedoRedo all of the IGoUndoableEdits, in forwards order.  
Public MethodUndoUndo all of the IGoUndoableEdits, in reverse order.  
See Also


GoUndoManagerCompoundEdit Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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