GoDiagram Web Reference
GoToolPanning Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoToolPanning.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoToolPanning ConstructorThe standard tool constructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoPanGets or sets whether this tool is used to implement autopanning or manual panning.  
Public PropertyCurrentObjectGets or sets this tool's CurrentObject property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public PropertyFirstInputGets this view's FirstInput property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public PropertyLastInputGets this view's LastInput property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public PropertyModalGets or sets whether this tool is used in a modal fashion when AutoPan is false.  
Public PropertyOriginGets or sets the original panning point.  
Public PropertySelectionGets this view's Selection property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public PropertyTransactionResultGets or sets whether to abort the current transaction if this tool is stopped; if set to a string, the string specifies the name of the transaction that will be finished when the tool stops. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public PropertyViewGets the view for which this tool is handling canonicalized input events. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public Methods
Public MethodCanStartOverridden. This tool can start when the middle mouse button is pressed, unless AutoPan is false (for manual panning), in which case the left mouse button is used.  
Public MethodDoCancelMouseThe view calls this method when the user cancels the gesture with the mouse; all of the event information is provided by the LastInput property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodDoClickAny tool can call this method in order to implement the standard click behavior. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodDoKeyDownOverridden. Stop panning whenever any key is pressed.  
Public MethodDoMouseDownOverridden. When manually panning (i.e. AutoPan is false), a mouse down causes future mouse moves to change the view's GoView.DocPosition to move along with the mouse.  
Public MethodDoMouseHoverThe view calls this method after the mouse rests for a while at a point; all of the event information is provided by the LastInput property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodDoMouseMoveThe view calls this method upon a mouse move event; all of the event information is provided by the LastInput property. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodDoMouseUpOverridden. On the first mouse up, set the Origin point and display the panning origin marker; on the second second mouse up, stop this tool.  
Public MethodDoMouseWheelOverridden. Stop panning whenever the mouse wheel turns.  
Public MethodDoSelectAny tool can call this method in order to implement the standard selection behavior for a user click. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodIsBeyondDragSizeDetermine if the mouse has gone beyond the DragSize distance to be considered a drag instead of a sloppy click. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodStartOverridden. Initialize this tool.  
Public MethodStartTransactionStart a transaction on the view. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodStopOverridden. Stop any auto-panning in the view and remove the original panning point marker.  
Public MethodStopToolThis method just causes the view's current tool to be stopped and to start the view's default tool instead as the current tool. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
Public MethodStopTransactionStop the current transaction, aborting it if TransactionResult is null. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.GoTool)
See Also


GoToolPanning Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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