GoDiagram Web Reference
GoCopyDictionary Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoCopyDictionary.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoCopyDictionary ConstructorCreate an empty mapping of objects to copied objects.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCount (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertyDelayedsGet the collection that holds objects that need attention after the first phase of copying.  
Public PropertyDestinationDocumentGets or sets the document collection into which we are making copies.  
Public PropertyIsFixedSize (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertyIsReadOnly (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertyIsSynchronized (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertyItemOverridden. Gets or sets the copied object in the destination for an object in the source.  
Public PropertyKeys (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertySourceCollectionGets or sets the collection from which we are copying.  
Public PropertySyncRoot (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public PropertyValues (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyEqualityComparer (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public Methods
Public MethodAdd (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodClear (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodClone (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodContains (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodContainsKey (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodContainsValue (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodCopyReturn a copied object for an object (first pass only).  
Public MethodCopyCompleteThis convenience method performs both copy phases making a copy of a single object.  
Public MethodCopyTo (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodFinishDelayedCopiesPerform calls to GoObject.CopyObjectDelayed for any objects that were added to Delayeds during earlier calls to Copy.  
Public MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodGetObjectData (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodOnDeserialization (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Public MethodRemove (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGetHash (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
Protected MethodKeyEquals (Inherited from System.Collections.Hashtable)
See Also


GoCopyDictionary Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace



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