GoDiagram Web Reference
GoChangedEventArgs Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoChangedEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoChangedEventArgs ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyDocumentGets or sets the GoDocument that raised the Changed event described by this EventArgs.  
Public PropertyGoObjectGets the Object as a GoObject.  
Public PropertyHintGets or sets the general category of document Changed event.  
Public PropertyIsBeforeChangingGets or sets whether this event args/undoable edit was created by a document Changed event that represents a call to GoDocument.RaiseChanging or by a call to GoDocument.RaiseChanged.  
Public PropertyNewIntGets or sets the new integer value information for a change.  
Public PropertyNewRectGets or sets the new float, PositionF, SizeF, or RectangleF value information for a change.  
Public PropertyNewValueGets or sets the new arbitrary object value information for a change, including boolean values.  
Public PropertyObjectGets or sets the object that was changed by the document Changed event.  
Public PropertyOldIntGets or sets the previous or old integer value information for a change.  
Public PropertyOldRectGets or sets the previous or old float, PositionF, SizeF, or RectangleF value information for a change.  
Public PropertyOldValueGets or sets the previous or old arbitrary object value information for a change, including boolean values.  
Public PropertyPresentationNameGets the user-visible string description of this undoable edit.  
Public PropertySubHintGets or sets the more detailed kind of document Changed event, depending on the particular Hint value.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCanRedoThis predicate returns true if you can call Redo.  
Public MethodCanUndoThis predicate returns true if you can call Undo.  
Public MethodClearForget any references that this object may have.  
Public MethodFindBeforeChangingEditSearch for a GoChangedEventArgs that matches this one's Document, Hint, SubHint, and Object, and whose IsBeforeChanging property is true.  
Public MethodGetFloatIf undo is true, this returns the X part of OldRect, otherwise it returns the X part of NewRect.  
Public MethodGetIntIf undo is true, this returns OldInt, otherwise it returns NewInt.  
Public MethodGetPointIf undo is true, this returns the Location part of OldRect, otherwise it returns the Location part of NewRect.  
Public MethodGetRectIf undo is true, this returns OldRect, otherwise it returns NewRect.  
Public MethodGetSizeIf undo is true, this returns the Size part of OldRect, otherwise it returns the Size part of NewRect.  
Public MethodGetValueIf undo is true, this returns OldValue, otherwise it returns NewValue.  
Public MethodRedoRe-perform the document change after an Undo by calling GoDocument.ChangeValue.  
Public MethodToStringProduce a description that may be useful in debugging event handling and the undo manager.  
Public MethodUndoReverse the effects of this document change by calling GoDocument.ChangeValue.  
See Also


GoChangedEventArgs Class
Northwoods.GoWeb Namespace
DocumentChanged Event



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