GoDiagram Web Reference
GoXmlTransformer Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoXmlTransformer.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBodyConsumesChildElementsGets or sets whether ConsumeBody should iterate over all of the child elements of this XML node, calling ConsumeObject for each one, and passing the result to ConsumeChild.  
Public PropertyElementNameGets or sets the name of the principal element used to render this object.  
Public PropertyGeneratesPortsAsChildElementsGets or sets whether this transformer writes child elements representing ports (IGoPort), if this transformer is operating on an IGoNode.  
Public PropertyIdAttributeUsedForSharedObjectsGets or sets whether this transformer reads/writes the "id" attribute using the identifier associated with shared objects.  
Public PropertyInheritsFromTransformerGets or sets a transformer from which this transformer will inherit implementation of the IGoXmlTransformer methods.  
Public PropertyReaderGets or sets the GoXmlReader that is using this transformer.  
Public PropertyReaderNodeGet the Reader's GoXmlReader.ReaderNode, an XmlNode.  
Public PropertyTransformerTypeReturns the Type for which these transformer methods apply.  
Public PropertyWriterGets or sets the GoXmlWriter that is using this transformer.  
Public PropertyWriterElementGet the Writer's GoXmlWriter.WriterElement, an XmlElement.  
Public PropertyXmlDocumentGet the Reader's or the Writer's XmlDocument.  
Public PropertyXmlReaderGet the Reader's XmlReader.  
Public PropertyXmlWriterGet the Writer's GoXmlWriter.XmlWriter.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAllocateOverride this method to construct a new object for the current XML element.  
Public MethodBooleanAttrRead an attribute's string value as a boolean.  
Public MethodBooleanFromStringParse a string value as a boolean.  
Public MethodColorArrayAttrRead an attribute's string value as an array of color values.  
Public MethodColorArrayFromStringParse a string value as an array of color values.  
Public MethodColorAttrRead an attribute's string value as a Color.  
Public MethodColorFromStringParse a string value as a Color value.  
Public MethodConsumeAttributesConsume attributes for the current element, helping to initialize most of the object's properties.  
Public MethodConsumeBodyConsume elements that help define more details or parts of an object.  
Public MethodConsumeChildWhen BodyConsumesChildElements is true, ConsumeBody will call ConsumeObject on each child XML element and pass the resulting object to this method.  
Public MethodConsumeObjectFinishFinish building the object for the current element.  
Public MethodGenerateAttributesGenerate attributes for the current element, helping to render an object.  
Public MethodGenerateBodyGenerate any nested elements that are part of the rendering of an object.  
Public MethodGenerateDefinitionsGenerate elements for the definitions section of the document, rendering any shared objects that this object needs to refer to.  
Public MethodGenerateElementStart producing an XML element for a given object.  
Public MethodGenerateElementFinishFinish generating any elements that were started by GenerateElement.  
Public MethodInt32ArrayAttrRead an attribute's string value as an array of integers.  
Public MethodInt32ArrayFromStringParse a string value as an array of integers.  
Public MethodInt32AttrRead an attribute's string value as an integer.  
Public MethodInt32FromStringParse a string value as an integer.  
Public MethodIsAttrPresentThis predicate returns true if the given attribute name is present in the current element when reading.  
Public MethodPointFArrayAttrRead an attribute's string value as an array of PointF.  
Public MethodPointFArrayFromStringParse a string value as an array of PointF.  
Public MethodPointFAttrRead an attribute's string value as a PointF.  
Public MethodPointFFromStringParse a string value as a PointF.  
Public MethodReadTextBodyRead in a string that is the body of an element.  
Public MethodRectangleFAttrRead an attribute's string value as a RectangleF.  
Public MethodRectangleFFromStringParse a string value as a RectangleF.  
Public MethodRefAttrFind a shared object referenced by a given attribute.  
Public MethodSingleArrayAttrRead an attribute's string value as an array of single floats.  
Public MethodSingleArrayFromStringParse a string value as an array of single floats.  
Public MethodSingleAttrRead an attribute's string value as a single float.  
Public MethodSingleFromStringParse a string value as a single float.  
Public MethodSizeFAttrRead an attribute's string value as a SizeF.  
Public MethodSizeFFromStringParse a string value as a SizeF.  
Public MethodSkipGenerationReturn true if the Writer should not generate XML for an object.  
Public MethodStringAttrReturn an attribute's string value.  
Public MethodTypeAttrRead an attribute's string value as a Type.  
Public MethodTypeFromStringParse a string value as a Type.  
Public MethodUpdateReferenceFix up a reference property whose value was delayed until the referred-to-object became available.  
Public MethodWriteAttrRefWrite an attribute of the name name with a string representation for the reference to the object val.  
Public MethodWriteAttrValOverloaded. Write an attribute of the name name with a string representation for the value val.  
Public MethodWriteEndElementFinish the current XML element started by a call to WriteStartElement(String).  
Public MethodWriteStartElementStart a new XML element, with the name given by name.  
Public MethodWriteTextBodyWrite out a string as the body of an element.  
See Also


GoXmlTransformer Class
Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml Namespace



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