GoDiagram Web Reference
Phase Structure Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Phase.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPhase ConstructorCreates a Phase with properties set by the parameters.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyColorGets or sets the Color used to paint the phase.  
Public PropertyMaxGets or sets the maximum value of the phase.  
Public PropertyMinGets or sets the minimum value of the phase.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsEquality is defined by the equality of each of the fields.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeThe hash code is determined by the XOR of the hash codes of the fields.  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality Equality is defined by the equality of each of the fields.
public Operator Inequality Equality is defined by the equality of each of the fields.
See Also


Phase Structure
Northwoods.GoWeb.Instruments Namespace



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