GoDiagram Web Reference
Northwoods.GoWeb.Instruments Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassGoInstruments Provide static properties describing this version of GoInstruments.
ClassGraduatedScale An implementation of the IGraduatedScale class, used to depict a scale as a path between two end points, representing a minimum and maximum value, with all the points along that path representing uniformly delineated values.
ClassGraduatedScaleElliptical A subclass of GraduatedScale, which represents the scale as an ellipse defined by a RectangleF, a starting angle, and a sweep angle.
ClassGraduatedScaleLinear A subclass of GraduatedScale, which represents the scale as a straight line between two end points.
ClassIndicator An abstract class designed to visually represent a specific quantitative value.
ClassIndicatorBar An Indicator that represents its value as a bar beginning at a set start point and extending to an end point which represents a specific value.
ClassIndicatorBarElliptical A form of IndicatorBar that represents its value as an eliptical arc with a set thickness between a set starting angle and an varying ending angle. The shape of elliptical path is determined by the Indicator's bounds.
ClassIndicatorKnob A knob is drawn as two concentric ellipses with a triangular pointer indicating the current value.
ClassIndicatorNeedle An indicator that displays the current value by drawing a straight line from a PivotPoint.
ClassIndicatorSlider An indicator that displays the current value by drawing a rectangle at the value on the scale, perpendicular to the main path of the scale.
ClassIndicatorSliderElliptical An example of an Indicator that is designed to interact specifically with one type of IGraduatedScale, namely GraduatedScaleElliptical.
ClassMeter A GoGroup designed to maintain a GraduatedScale, an Indicator, a Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObject background, and a Northwoods.GoWeb.GoText label.
ClassMultipleIndicatorMeter A Meter designed to maintain an array of Indicators.
InterfaceIGraduatedScale The IGraduatedScale interface provides a range of values that a scale may display, along with methods to map a value to a display point.
StructurePhase Contains the information needed to paint a phase of an IndicatorBar.
EnumerationGraduatedScaleLabelStyle Specifies the style used to layout tick labels.
EnumerationIndicatorNeedleStyle Specifies the appearance of the needle
EnumerationIndicatorSliderStyle Specifies the style used to paint an IndicatorSlider.
See Also


Northwoods.GoWeb.Instruments Assembly



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