| Name | Description |
 | Alignment | Gets or sets how the text is aligned. |
 | AutoRescales | Gets or sets whether this object automatically rescales its appearance when its size changes. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | AutoResizes | Gets or sets whether the bounds are recalculated when the text changes. |
 | BackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color for this text object, shown when TransparentBackground is false. |
 | BackgroundOpaqueWhenSelected | Gets or sets whether the text background is displayed when selected. |
 | Bold | Gets or sets whether the font style is bold. |
 | Bordered | Gets or sets whether a simple border is drawn around the text. |
 | Bottom | Gets or sets this object's bottom coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Choices | When the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.ComboBox, this holds the list of choices that are presented in the drop down list. |
 | Clipping | Gets or sets whether the text drawing is clipped by this object's bounds. |
 | Copyable | Gets or sets whether the user can copy this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
  | DefaultFontFamilyName | Gets or sets the font family face name used when constructing a GoText object. |
  | DefaultFontSize | Gets or sets the font size used when constructing a GoText object. |
 | Deletable | Gets or sets whether the user can delete this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Document | Gets the document that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a view layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | DraggingObject | Gets the object that will be dragged instead of this selected object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | DragsNode | Gets or sets whether this object, when selected and a child of a group, and when dragged, drags the parent node instead. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | DropDownList | When the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.ComboBox, this controls whether the user must choose from the list of Choices, or whether the user can type in an arbitrary string. |
 | Editable | Gets or sets whether the user can edit this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | EditableWhenSelected | Gets or sets whether OnSingleClick should only start editing if this label is part of an object that was already selected before it was clicked. |
 | Editor | Overridden. Gets the GoControl used to represent a text editing Control . |
 | EditorStyle | The kind of editor Control used when the user edits the text string in-place. |
 | FamilyName | Gets or sets the font family face name. |
 | FontSize | Gets or sets the font size. |
 | GdiCharSet | Gets or sets the GDI character set used for the text. |
 | Height | Gets or sets this object's height. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Italic | Gets or sets whether the font style is italic. |
 | Layer | Gets the layer to which this object belongs. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Left | Gets or sets this object's left coordinate, the X position. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | LineCount | Compute how many lines of text are displayed. |
 | Location | Overridden. A text object's natural location is determined by its Alignment. |
 | Maximum | When the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.NumericUpDown, this specifies the maximum value. |
 | Minimum | When the EditorStyle is GoTextEditorStyle.NumericUpDown, this specifies the minimum value. |
 | Movable | Gets or sets whether the user can move this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Multiline | Gets or sets whether the text is displayed in multiple lines, according to any NewLine character sequences in the text string. |
 | Observers | Gets an enumerator over the list of observer objects of this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Parent | Gets the parent group for this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Printable | Gets or sets whether the view can print this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Reshapable | Gets or sets whether the user can reshape this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Resizable | Gets or sets whether the user can resize this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | ResizesRealtime | Gets or sets whether this object continuously changes its size during a user resizing operation. [In Web Forms there is no continuous visual feedback of a resize.] (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Right | Gets or sets this object's right coordinate. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | RightToLeft | Gets or sets whether this text should be drawn from right to left, when the RightToLeftFromView property is false. |
 | RightToLeftFromView | Gets or sets whether the view's RightToLeft property governs how the string is drawn, or whether this text object's RightToLeft property takes precedence. |
 | Selectable | Gets or sets whether the user can select this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | SelectionObject | Gets the object that gets selection handles when this object is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Shadowed | Gets or sets whether this object is painted with a drop shadow. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | StrikeThrough | Gets or sets whether the font style includes strike-through. |
 | StringTrimming | Gets or sets how characters are removed when AutoResizes is false. |
 | Text | Gets or sets the string that this text object displays. |
 | TextColor | Gets or sets the color of the text. |
 | Top | Gets or sets this object's top coordinate, the Y position. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | TransparentBackground | Gets or sets whether the background color is painted. |
 | Underline | Gets or sets whether the font style includes underline. |
 | View | Gets the view that this object belongs to, or null if this is not in a layer or if this is in a document layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Visible | Gets or sets whether the user can see this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Width | Gets or sets this object's width. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.GoObject) |
 | Wrapping | Gets or sets whether the text is wrapped when the text reaches the wrapping width. |
 | WrappingWidth | Gets or sets the width at which text is wrapped. |