| Name | Description |
 | AllowCopy | Gets or sets whether the user can copy selected objects in this document. |
 | AllowDelete | Gets or sets whether the user can delete selected objects in this document. |
 | AllowEdit | Gets or sets whether the user can edit objects in this document. |
 | AllowInsert | Gets or sets whether the user can insert objects in this document. |
 | AllowLink | Gets or sets whether the user can link objects in this document. |
 | AllowMove | Gets or sets whether the user can move selected objects in this document. |
 | AllowReshape | Gets or sets whether the user can reshape resizable objects in this document. |
 | AllowResize | Gets or sets whether the user can resize selected objects in this document. |
 | AllowSelect | Gets or sets whether the user can select objects in this document. |
 | Count | Gets the total number of objects in all document layers. |
 | DataFormat | Gets or sets this document's data format name for the clipboard. |
 | DefaultLayer | Gets or sets the layer that is considered the default layer for document operations that do not specify a layer. |
 | DelayedRoutings | A collection of GoObjects that implement the IGoRoutable interface and whose CalculateRoute needs to be called. |
 | FixedSize | Gets or sets whether UpdateDocumentBounds should update the Size and TopLeft properties as objects are added or moved. |
 | IsModified | Gets or sets whether this document is considered changed from an earlier state. |
 | IsReadOnly | This collection is never read-only programmatically, but might not be modifiable by the user: SetModifiable. |
 | LastPartID | Gets or sets the last PartID value that this document assigned to an IGoIdentifiablePart when MaintainsPartID is true. |
 | LinksLayer | Gets or sets the layer that is normally used for holding links. |
 | MaintainsPartID | Gets or sets whether the document should make sure each IGoIdentifiablePart has a unique IGoIdentifiablePart.PartID. |
 | Name | Gets or sets a name for this document. |
 | PaperColor | Gets or sets the color for this document's background. |
 | RoutingTime | Gets or sets when IGoRoutable objects should have their routes recalculated. |
 | SerializesUndoManager | Gets or sets whether the UndoManager is serialized when the document is. |
 | Size | Gets or sets the size of this document. |
 | TopLeft | Gets or sets the top-left corner position of this document. |
 | UndoManager | Gets or sets the UndoManager for this document. |
 | UserFlags | Gets or sets an integer value associated with this document. |
 | UserObject | Gets or sets an object associated with this document. |
 | ValidCycle | Gets or sets whether a valid link can be made between two ports that may produce a directed or undirected cycle in this document. |