| Name | Description |
 | BodyConsumesChildElements | Gets or sets whether GoXmlTransformer.ConsumeBody should iterate over all of the child elements of this XML node, calling GoXmlReader.ConsumeObject for each one, and passing the result to GoXmlTransformer.ConsumeChild. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | ChildrenCollectionPath | Gets or sets the property path to find the Northwoods.Go.GoGroup holding the child objects corresponding to nested elements when HandlesChildren is true. |
  | DefaultTracingEnabled | Gets or sets a shared/static variable that provides the default value for TracingEnabled for newly created GoXmlBindingTransformers. |
 | ElementName | Gets or sets the name of the principal element used to render this object. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | GeneratesPortsAsChildElements | Gets or sets whether this transformer writes child elements representing ports (IGoPort ), if this transformer is operating on an IGoNode . (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | HandlesChildAttributes | Gets or sets whether this transformer gets to read or write attributes on elements in the body of this element. |
 | HandlesChildren | Gets or sets whether there are child objects of this Northwoods.Go.GoGroup that should be represented as nested XML elements in the body of this transformer's element. |
 | HandlesNamedPorts | Gets or sets whether the identifiers for named ports should be attributes on this element. |
 | HandlesSubGraphCollapsedChildren | Gets or sets whether GenerateChildAttributes and ConsumeChildAttributes handle collapsed Northwoods.Go.GoSubGraphs information about the saved relative bounds or saved paths of subgraph child Northwoods.Go.GoObjects. |
 | IdAttributeUsedForSharedObjects | Gets or sets whether this transformer reads/writes the "id" attribute using the identifier associated with shared objects. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | InheritsFromTransformer | Gets or sets a transformer from which this transformer will inherit implementation of the IGoXmlTransformer methods. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | Prototype | Gets or sets the object which will be copied and initialized when consuming an XML element with this transformer. |
 | Reader | Gets or sets the GoXmlReader that is using this transformer. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | ReaderNode | Get the GoXmlTransformer.Reader's GoXmlReader.ReaderNode, an XmlNode . (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | TracingEnabled | Gets or sets whether to write information to trace listeners when tring to read or write properties that do not exist on a given object. |
 | TransformerType | Returns the Type for which these transformer methods apply. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | TreeChildNodePortPath | Gets or sets the property path to find the port on a logical child node to which a copy of TreeLinkPrototype will be connected, when TreeStructured is true or when using the "TreeParentNode" property binding. |
 | TreeLinkPrototype | Gets or sets an instance of a link that is copied to connect all new nodes in the constructed diagram, when TreeStructured is true or when using the "TreeParentNode" property binding. |
 | TreeLinksToChildren | Gets or sets whether newly created links should connect from logical parent nodes to logical child nodes, when TreeStructured is true or when using the "TreeParentNode" property binding. |
 | TreeParentNodePortPath | Gets or sets the property path to find the port on a logical parent node to which a copy of TreeLinkPrototype will be connected, when TreeStructured is true or when using the "TreeParentNode" property binding. |
 | TreeStructured | Gets or sets whether nested XML elements are treated as logical child nodes connected by links, rather than being structural parts of nodes like subgraphs. |
 | Writer | Gets or sets the GoXmlWriter that is using this transformer. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | WriterElement | Get the GoXmlTransformer.Writer's GoXmlWriter.WriterElement, an XmlElement . (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | XmlDocument | Get the GoXmlTransformer.Reader's or the GoXmlTransformer.Writer's GoXmlReader.XmlDocument. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | XmlReader | Get the GoXmlTransformer.Reader's GoXmlReader.XmlReader. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |
 | XmlWriter | Get the GoXmlTransformer.Writer's GoXmlWriter.XmlWriter. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Xml.GoXmlTransformer) |