| Name | Description |
| Alignment | Gets or sets the default alignment of parents relative to their children. |
| AlternateDefaults | Gets the object holding the default values for alternate layer GoLayoutTreeNodes, used when the Style is GoLayoutTreeStyle.Alternating or GoLayoutTreeStyle.LastParents. |
| Angle | Gets or sets the default direction for tree growth. |
| Arrangement | Gets or sets how ArrangeTrees should lay out the separate trees. |
| ArrangementOrigin | Gets or sets the point at which ArrangeTrees will position the trees. |
| ArrangementSpacing | Gets or sets the space between which ArrangeTrees will position the trees. |
| BreadthLimit | Gets or sets a limit on how broad a tree should be. |
| ChildPortSpot | Gets or sets the spot that children nodes' Northwoods.Go.GoPorts get as their Northwoods.Go.GoPort.ToSpot. |
| CommentMargin | Gets or sets the distance between a node and its comments. |
| CommentSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between comments. |
| Compaction | Gets or sets how closely to pack the child nodes of a subtree. |
| LayerSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between a parent node and its children. |
| LayerSpacingParentOverlap | Gets or sets the fraction of the node's depth for which the children's layer starts overlapped with the parent's layer. |
| NodeIndent | Gets or sets the default indentation of the first child. |
| NodeIndentPastParent | Gets or sets the fraction of this node's breadth is added to NodeIndent to determine any spacing at the start of the children. |
| NodeSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between child nodes. |
| Path | Gets or sets how the tree should be constructed from the GoLayoutTreeLinks connecting GoLayoutTreeNodes. |
| PortSpot | Gets or sets the spot that this node's Northwoods.Go.GoPort gets as its Northwoods.Go.GoPort.FromSpot. |
| RootDefaults | Gets the object holding the default values for root GoLayoutTreeNodes. |
| Roots | Gets or sets an Northwoods.Go.IGoCollection of root Northwoods.Go.GoObjects. |
| RowIndent | Gets or sets the default indentation of the first child of each row, if the Alignment is not a "Center" alignment. |
| RowSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between rows of children. |
| SetsChildPortSpot | Gets or sets whether SetPortSpots should set the Northwoods.Go.GoPort.ToSpot for each child node port. |
| SetsPortSpot | Gets or sets whether SetPortSpots should set the Northwoods.Go.GoPort.FromSpot for this parent node port. |
| Sorting | Gets or sets the default GoLayoutTreeSorting policy. |
| Style | Gets or sets the GoLayoutTreeStyle for the resulting trees. |
| View | Gets or sets the Northwoods.Go.GoView whose thread is used to run document-updating code and Progress events. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayout) |