| Name | Description |
 | Alignment | Gets or sets how this parent node should be aligned relative to its children. |
 | Angle | Gets or sets the actual absolute angle at which this node should grow. |
 | Bounds | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | BreadthLimit | Gets or sets how broad a node and its descendents should be. |
 | Center | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | ChildPortSpot | Gets or sets the spot that children nodes' Northwoods.Go.GoPorts get as their Northwoods.Go.GoPort.ToSpot, if SetsChildPortSpot is true and the node has only a single port. |
 | Children | Gets or sets the array of logical children for this node. |
 | ChildrenCount | Gets the number of immediate children that this node has. |
 | CommentMargin | Gets or sets the space to leave between the node and the comments. |
 | Comments | Gets or sets a collection of Northwoods.Go.GoObjects that will be positioned near the node. |
 | CommentSpacing | Gets or sets the space to leave between consecutive comments. |
 | Compaction | Gets or sets how the children of this node should be packed together. |
 | Comparer | Gets or sets how the children should be sorted. |
 | DescendentCount | Gets the number of descendents this node has. |
 | DestinationLinks | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | DestinationLinksCount | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Destinations | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Focus | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | GoObject | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Height | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Initialized | Gets or sets whether this node has been initialized as part of GoLayoutTree.CreateTrees. |
 | InternalFlags | (Unsupported) |
 | LayerSpacing | Gets or sets the distance there should be between this node and its layer of children. |
 | LayerSpacingParentOverlap | Gets or sets the fraction of this node's depth that may overlap with the children's layer. |
 | Level | Gets the number of single-parent ancestors this node has. |
 | Links | Gets an enumerator for the network's links. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | LinksCount | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | MaxChildrenCount | Gets the maximum number of children of any descendent of this node. |
 | MaxGenerationCount | Gets the maximum depth of the subtrees below this node. |
 | Network | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | NodeIndent | Gets or sets the distance the first child should be indented. |
 | NodeIndentPastParent | Gets or sets whether the first child should be indented past the parent node's breadth. |
 | Nodes | Gets an enumerator for the network's nodes. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | NodeSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between child nodes. |
 | Parent | Gets or sets the logical parent for this node. |
 | PortSpot | Gets or sets the spot that this node's Northwoods.Go.GoPort gets as its Northwoods.Go.GoPort.FromSpot, if SetsPortSpot is true and the node has only a single port. |
 | Position | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | RelativePosition | Gets or sets the position of this node relative to its parent node. |
 | RowIndent | Gets or sets the distance the first child of each row should be indented. |
 | RowSpacing | Gets or sets the distance between rows within one layer, all sharing the same parent. |
 | SetsChildPortSpot | Gets or sets whether SetPortSpots should set the Northwoods.Go.GoPort.ToSpot for each child node port. |
 | SetsPortSpot | Gets or sets whether SetPortSpots should set the Northwoods.Go.GoPort.FromSpot for this parent node port. |
 | Size | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Sorting | Gets or sets whether and in what order the children should be sorted. |
 | SourceLinks | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | SourceLinksCount | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Sources | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | SubtreeOffset | Gets or sets the offset of this parent node relative to its whole subtree. |
 | SubtreeSize | Gets or sets the size of the subtree (including all descendents) parented by this node. |
 | UserFlags | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | UserObject | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |
 | Width | (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayoutGenericNetwork<GoLayoutTreeNode,GoLayoutTreeLink,GoLayoutTree>) |