| Name | Description |
 | AddComments | Find associated objects to be positioned along with the GoLayoutForceDirectedNode.GoLayoutGenericNetwork.Node<N,L,Y>.GoObject. |
 | ArrangeConnectedGraphs | During a clustered layout, position each separate graph network so that they do not overlap each other. |
 | ComputeClusterLayoutIterations | Determine how many additional force-directed layout iterations should occur for this clustered network. |
 | ElectricalCharge | Returns the charge of the point representing the GoLayoutForceDirectedNode node. A node L and a node V are acted upon by a force of magnitude (ElectricalCharge(L) * ElectricalCharge(V)) / (GetNodeDistance(L,V) * GetNodeDistance(L,V)) . A node L is acted upon by forces in the X and Y directions of magnitude ElectricalFieldX(L.position) * ElectricalCharge(L) and ElectricalFieldY(L.position) * ElectricalCharge(L) . |
 | ElectricalFieldX | Returns the electrical field in the X direction acting on a node at the logical point PointF xy. A node L is acted upon by a force in the X direction of magnitude ElectricalFieldX(L.position) * ElectricalCharge(L) . |
 | ElectricalFieldY | Returns the electrical field in the Y direction acting on a node at the logical point PointF xy. A node L is acted upon by a force in the Y direction of magnitude ElectricalFieldY(L.position) * ElectricalCharge(L) . |
 | Finalize | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | GetNodeDistance | Returns the distance between two nodes. The default implementation considers the shortest distance between the two nodes. If the nodes correspond to top-level Go objects, the width and height of the GoObject is factored into the distance between the nodes. If the nodes do not correspond to top-level Go objects, then the nodes implicitly have a width and height of zero, and the distance is calculated. |
 | GetService | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | GravitationalFieldX | The function GravitationalFieldX returns the gravitational field in the X direction acting on a node at the logical point PointF xy. A node L is acted upon by a force in the X direction of magnitude GravitationalFieldX(L.position) * GravitationalMass(L) . |
 | GravitationalFieldY | The function GravitationalFieldY returns the gravitational field in the Y direction acting on a node at the logical point PointF xy. A node L is acted upon by a force in the Y direction of magnitude GravitationalFieldY(L.position) * GravitationalMass(L) . |
 | GravitationalMass | The function GravitationalMass returns the mass of the point representing the GoLayoutForceDirectedNode node. A node L is acted upon by forces in the X and Y directions of magnitude GravitationalFieldX(L.position) * GravitationalMass(L) and GravitationalFieldY(L.position) * GravitationalMass(L) . |
 | IsFixed | This predicate returns true if the node should not be moved by the layout algorithm but still have an effect on nearby and connected nodes. The default implementation returns GoLayoutForceDirectedNode.IsFixed. |
 | MemberwiseClone | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | NeedsClusterLayout | Determines whether a clustering layout should be done before the regular force-directed layout. |
 | OnProgress | Invoke all Progress event handlers. (Inherited from Northwoods.Go.Layout.GoLayout) |
 | RemoveNetwork | Overridden. Set Network to null. |
 | SpringLength | Returns the length of the spring representing the GoLayoutForceDirectedLink link. The to and from nodes of a link L are acted upon by a force of magnitude SpringStiffness(L) * (GetNodeDistance(L.from, L.to) - SpringLength(L)) . |
 | SpringStiffness | Returns the stiffness of the spring representing the GoLayoutForceDirectedLink link. The to and from nodes of link L are acted upon by a force of magnitude SpringStiffness(L) * (GetNodeDistance(L.from, L.to) - SpringLength(L)) . |
 | UpdatePositions | Peforms one iteration of the ForceDirected algorithm and updates the positions of the GoLayoutForceDirectedNodes (but not the document's nodes). |