GoDiagram Web Reference
GoXmlWriter Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by GoXmlWriter.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGoXmlWriter ConstructorCreate a writer with a set of IGoXmlTransformers defined.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDefaultNamespaceGets or sets the "xmlns" attribute namespace to be defined for the root element.  
Public PropertyGrandParentObjectGets the parent object of the current parent object when consuming or generating the body of an element. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public PropertyNodesGeneratedFirstGets or sets whether GenerateObjects makes two passes over the collection of Objects, generating the objects that implement IGoNode first before generating the other objects.  
Public PropertyObjectsGets or sets the collection of objects to be generated.  
Public PropertyObjectStackGets an List of Object acting as a stack of Objects that have been created during the walking of the XML tree during Consume, or that have been seen during Generate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public PropertyParentObjectGets the current parent object when consuming or generating the body of an element. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public PropertyRootElementNameGets or sets the name of the root element.  
Public PropertyUserObjectGets or sets an object holding additional information for use by your application; this property is not used by GoXml. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public PropertyWriterElementGets or sets the XmlElement that is being constructed when creating a DOM rather than writing directly to a XmlWriter.  
Public PropertyXmlDocumentGets the XmlDocument that is constructed by Generate when not writing directly to a stream with XmlWriter.  
Public PropertyXmlWriterGets the XmlWriter used to actually write XML to the output stream.  
Public PropertyXmlWriterSettingsGets or sets the XmlWriterSettings used in the call to XmlWriter.Create to customize the XmlWriter.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddTransformerCause this XML writer to use the given IGoXmlTransformer for objects of the type given by the transformer's IGoXmlTransformer.TransformerType. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public MethodClearAllSharedsRemove all objects from the table of shared objects.  
Public MethodDefineAndGenerateSharedObjectIf the given object is not already known to be a shared object, define it and generate it, so that you can use simple ID references to the shared object both during generation and during consumption.  
Public MethodDefineObjectThis may produce shared elements that precede the regular rendering of the objects.  
Public MethodFindSharedFind an identifier associated with an object that can be referenced.  
Public MethodFindTransformerReturns the first IGoXmlTransformer associated with a given type or its base types. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public MethodGenerateOverloaded. Start an XmlWriter and generate XML.  
Public MethodGenerateObjectThis produces an element for an object, including any nested elements that help represent the rendering.  
Public MethodGetNamespaceUriLook up the namespace URI for a prefix string.  
Public MethodGetTransformerReturns the IGoXmlTransformer associated with a given type. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public MethodInvokeGenerateAttributesCall the GenerateAttributes method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodInvokeGenerateBodyCall the GenerateBody method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodInvokeGenerateDefinitionsCall the IGoXmlTransformer.GenerateDefinitions method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodInvokeGenerateElementCall the GenerateElement method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodInvokeGenerateElementFinishCall the IGoXmlTransformer.GenerateElementFinish method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodInvokeSkipGenerationCall the IGoXmlTransformer.SkipGeneration method of the IGoXmlTransformer that is associated with the given type.  
Public MethodMakeSharedAdd an object to the table of shared objects.  
Public MethodRegisterTransformersThis method creates instances of all of the standard IGoXmlTransformers to be used when generating XML. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public MethodSetNamespaceUriDefine the namespace URI for a prefix string, used when writing prefixed attribute names.  
Public MethodSetTransformerCause this XML writer to use the given IGoXmlTransformer for objects of the type given by t. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml.GoXmlReaderWriterBase)
Public MethodWriteAttrValWrite an attribute of the name name with a string representation for the value val.  
Public MethodWriteEndElementFinish the current XML element started by a call to WriteStartElement(String).  
Public MethodWriteNamespaceAttributeWrite an "xmlns:prefix" attribute for a namespace given by uri.  
Public MethodWriteStartElementStart a new XML element, with the name given by name.  
Public MethodWriteTextBodyWrite out a string as the body of an element.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGenerateDefinitionsCall DefineObject for each object in Objects.  
Protected MethodGenerateInstructionsGenerate XML instructions before the root element.  
Protected MethodGenerateObjectsCall GenerateObject for each object in Objects.  
Protected MethodGenerateRootAttributesGenerate attributes for the root element.  
Protected MethodGenerateRootElementStart the root element, using RootElementName and DefaultNamespace.  
Protected MethodInitializeDo the initialization needed by Generate(XmlWriter).  
Protected MethodSetXmlDocumentOnly a subclass of a GoXmlWriter can provide a value for the DOM.  
Protected MethodSetXmlWriterOnly a subclass of a GoXmlWriter can provide a value for the XmlWriter property.  
See Also


GoXmlWriter Class
Northwoods.GoWeb.Xml Namespace



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